Accessing the target computers:
For Windows OS: VNC Viewer on Windows Platform.docx
For Ubuntu / Mac OS: First, Install a VNC Viewer on your machine. Then, on the command line: make sure you installed Kerberos on your computer, also you will need an account for e1039gat1: please contact Kun Liu to create one)
(provide your Kerberos password)
Then select the command from the following:
> for QT computer:
ssh -N -L 9999: <YOUR_USER_NAME_ON_E1039_GAT1>
> for Cryo computer:
ssh -N -L 9998: <YOUR_USER_NAME_ON_E1039_GAT1>
> for NMR computer:
ssh -N -L 9997: <YOUR_USER_NAME_ON_E1039_GAT1>
Then, open your VNC Viewer and type "localhost:9999" (for QT Computer), "localhost:9998" (for CCP Computer), "localhost:9997" (for NMR Computer). Password is the same as the one you use for tWiki.
For Ubuntu: Follow the steps as mentioned in the document: Usage of Remote Access on UBuntu.docx