Each TO during the morning shift needs to make sure of the following things:

  1. All the cryogenic fills need to be done in the morning, like
    1. Magnet Filling with LHe
    2. Purifier and Magnet Shield Filling with LN2
  2. TO can use the following PHP script to calculate the following target parameters:
    1. Production Rate of Liquifier A/B,
    2. Magnet Filling Efficiency,
    3. Consumption Rate from SLM (Standard Litre Per Minute) to L/h (Litre Per Hour),
    4. Magnet Liquid Helium Conversion from Percentage to Liquid Litre and Vice Versa. 

Please see the link to the PHP script: Combined Calculators (fnal.gov)

3. Target Maintenance Record Polarized Target Maintenance Record

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