The fridge is equipped with two valves (run valve and bypass valve) to control the incoming helium from the magnet. We control the valves using the Cryo Control Panel (CCP) on the target computer.
Fridge Valve Panel in CCP
How to Move Run or Bypass Valve
The operation procedure is common to the run and bypass valves.
- Make sure which valve you handle, and make sure you use the correct interface (i.e. the middle or bottom section).
- Decide the set point of valve turns that you move to.
- Either
- Enter the set point into the "Set Turns" text box ( ) and hit the "Enter" key, or
- Press the "Set Turns" button(s) as many as needed ( ).
In Case of Mistake and Unexpected Situation
- If you enter a wrong set point, you might press the "Stop Move" button ( ) to stop the valve motion.
- The set point of valve turns are limited by software from -0.5 to 3.0 turns, where the negative turns are used when expert calibrates the valve position.
- If you make the set point out of this range somehow, please contact the target expert immediately.