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Spreadsheet Format

Each row represents a data point on the timeline. The chart below shows what data should be included in each column. Learn more about using spreadsheets with Visualizations at  

 Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4

The date of your data point in a MM/DD/YEAR format.

This sets the x-axis value for your data point.


  • If your data only contains years, assign an arbitrary month and day.


The value for your date on the y-axis. This creates your first timeline.


  • If you do not want to assign a numeric value to a date, type in "null" 

The annotations for your data points.


  • The annotations will only appear on the timeline if you choose true in the "Display Annotations" customization option
  • Learn more at the Display Annotations step-by-step guide
A second value for your date on the y-axis. This creates a second timeline.
Data Typedate or datetimenumbertextnumber
Optional   x


Customization Options

Alpha fill 0-100: sets the transparency of the fill color under the graph's curve. 

  • Type in a number from 0 to 100 to set the transparency
  • "0" makes the area completely transparent; "100" makes the area opaque 

Date format: formats the date that appears in the top right corner of the timeline
  • To enter the date only, type in "MM DD YYYY" 
  • To enter a date and time, use the "HH:mm MONTH dd, yyyy" format
Display annotations?: controls whether or not annotations appear on the chart
  • "True" shows annotations on top of selected values
  • "False" hides annotations

Display exact values?: controls whether numeric values on the legend are exact or rounded

  • "True" makes values exact
  • "False" rounds values

Display legend dots?: adds ornamental dots to the legend 

  • "True" adds the legend dot
  • "False" removes the legend dot

Display legend values?: shows a point's value on the legend when your cursor rolls over a point

  • "True" shows a point's value in the legend 
  • "False" disables this action

Display separator bar?: adds a separator bar (|) between the legend and the date at the top right of the chart

  • "True" shows the separator 
  • "False" hides the separator

Display zoom range links: adds shortcuts to different zoom levels within your timeline

  • "True" shows shortcuts
  • "False" hides shortcuts

Dot highlight: determines which point will highlight based on the position of your cursor

  • "Nearest" highlights the point closest to your cursor
  • "Last" highlights the point to the left of your cursor
Legend position: controls the legends' placement

  • "newRow" puts legend text and legend dates on separate rows
  • "sameRow" puts both items on the same row



  • No labels