Field | Description | Type |
Term | An alternate name for the term. | short text |
Name Type | This field sets whether the name is official or popular. | controlled vocabulary |
Language | The language of the name. This field is independent of the 'writing system,' which you can learn more about below. | controlled vocabulary |
Writing System | The alphabet or symbol system used to represent the language. For example, English uses the Latin script. | controlled vocabulary |
Primary for Popular Romanization View? | Popular romanization is an easy-to-pronounce version of names in roman script, which is intended for audiences around the world. | checkbox |
Field | Description | Type |
Language | The language of the caption. Each caption should only have one language. If you need to include a translation, add a new caption. | controlled vocabulary |
Caption | The text of the caption. This field should be shorter than 140 characters. Make sure it's general and clear enough to identify the term from a list. | WYSIWYG |
Author | The author of the caption. By default, this is set to your username. | controlled vocabulary |
Field | Description | Type |
Language | The language of the summary. Each summary should only have one language. If you need to include a translation, add a new summary. | controlled vocabulary |
Summary | The text of the summary. This should be shorter than 750 characters. | WYSIWYG |
Author | The author of the summary. By default, this is set to your username. | controlled vocabulary |
Field | Description | Type |
Picture Type | The type of source for the file. Unless you work for the Tibetan and Himalayan Library, this will always be "External." | controlled vocabulary |
URL | The URL of your image, which is the source for the file. Unless you work for the Tibetan and Himalayan Library, this will always be "External." If your image is on your computer, you can host it using Images in Mandala. You would then paste that image's URL in that field. | short text |
Caption | A short description of the image. | short text |
Place (Places Dictionary FID) | A place associated with the image. This field uses Knowledge Maps. | kmap |
Is Primary | If this is checked, the image will show up before any other illustrations, including in Knowledge Map previews. | checkbox |
Field | Description | Type |
Term | The name of the new term (if you're creating a child term.) | short text |
Name Type | This sets whether the name is official or popular. | controlled vocabulary |
Language | The language of the name. This is independent of the 'writing system,' which you can learn more about below. | controlled vocabulary |
Writing System | The alphabet or symbol system used to represent the language. For example, English uses the Latin script. | controlled vocabulary |
Etymology | The etymological origin of the name. | WYSIWYG |
Primary for Popular Romanization View? | Popular romanization is an easy-to-pronounce version of names in Roman script, which is intended for audiences around the world. | checkbox |
Term Relation Type | The type of relationship between the original term and the related term (whether new or existing). | controlled vocabulary |
Perspective | This corresponds to the language for your term. |
This is a legacy option. You should use Texts in Mandala if you want to add a longer essay to your Knowledge Map.
To add relationships between definitions, see Add Term Relationships.
Some definitions were imported from external dictionaries: you'll see these under Other Dictionaries. Click the pencil icon next to these imported definitions to edit them.
Field | Description | Type |
Is Public | Check this to make the definition available to the public. | checkbox |
Is Primary | checkbox | |
Content | The definition for the term. This can include styling, including bold, italics, paragraphs, and lists. | WYSIWYG |
Numerology | short text | |
Tense | This will depend on your language; in English, the tense associated with a verb expresses the time in which the action is occurring. | short text |
Language | The language of the definition. Each definition should only have one language. If you need to include a translation, add a new definition. | controlled vocabulary |
Author | The author of the definition. Contact mandala@virginia.edu if you need to add people to this list; any Terms editor can be assigned as an author. | controlled vocabulary |
- Click Add recording
Metadata fields for recordings will open
- Enter the dialect name, or click show dialect hierarchy to see the list of
- If you need a dialect not on this list, contact mandala@virginia.edu
- Click Choose File next to "Audio File"
Your operating system's file browser will open
- Open the file you want to add
- Click Create
Subject-Term Associations
Subject-term associations let you add grammatical functions, language context, literary forms, and other important information about a term (the "subject" in the subject-term association). These subjects are specific controlled vocabularies and ontologies built in Mandala Knowledge Maps.
For ease of use, we recommend you use the quick links under Subject-Term Associations to add the appropriate information. To do this, you would:
- Click the quick link in the section
- For example, if you wanted to specify the register you would click Register association
- A form will appear
- Leave the Branch field alone; this default value was specified by the quick link
- Search for the subject you want to add
- For example, the register
- You may find it easier to click View Subject Hierarchy. This will let you see all the controlled vocabularies available to you.
- Click Create
Field | Description | Type |
Etymology Type | The type of etymology – basic syllabic, creative, or historical. | controlled vocabulary |
Content | The etymology for the term. | WYSIWYG |