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The target operator's job is to monitor and maintain the cryogenic system of the polarized target and maintaining while continuously maximum polarization polarization of the target whenever possible while beam is on.  The Target Operator should be constantly checking the status of these four critical components of the system:

A.) Is the Internal Vacuum Chamber (IVC) good and at pressure below 10-6 Torr (spikes above 10-5 Torr for a few seconds during filling are OK, but if it takes longer than a few minutes to come backdown, call the Target Expert.

B.) Is the Liquefier producing normally without any alarms (read lights indicating alarms on the QT screen) and are the cold head compressors all running (green light).

C.) Is there any sign of a target magnet quench.  Know if the magnet is ramped up.  If it is and at some point you see the magnet pressure shoot up to 9 psi in a few seconds, call the Target Expert immediately. The magnet control VI will also indicate a quench.

D.) What the LCW temperature.  If

E.) Power Outages can be very hard for the cryogenic system to recover from.  If you have a outage or even a power flicker, let the Target Expert know.

There are three main modes:
