Configuration 1: When we are not running Microwave.
In the current situationCurrently, we are not running the microwave for sustainable polarization. We fill the fridge at Heat-Ex Top (Ohm) in the morning and evening and leave it there to boil off the next day.
Watch the temperature of the target cups on Stipr Strip Charts. The target parameters are Insert# 7 and Insert#8, and the Target parameters are Annealing A and Annealing B. Please use the following strip chart to watch the Target Parameters:
What if the Target Parameters start increasing:
If the target parameters start increasingincrease, crack open the Run valve at 0.55 or 0.65 turns to get the liquid into the fridge nose to keep the target material cool. Please see below , how to open the Run valve:
Normally, we set the GV bypass opening at 8% to reduce the consumption of Liquid Helium. I1. If the fridge pressure increases above 600torr, then slightly open the GV bypass to lower the pressure. Please see the Stirp chart link to the Fridge/1000 (Torr) target parameter.
The strip chart in the second row and the first column are related to fridge pressure. The Fridge/1000 (Torr) target parameter shows the fridge pressure more accurately when it is above 100 torr. Still, the Fridge/100 (Torr) target parameter shows the fridge pressure more accurately when it is under 100 torr. Suppose the fridge pressure is above 100 torr. In that case, the Fridge/1000 (Torr) target parameter is reliable, and the fridge temperature to the Fridge/1000 (K) target parameter is in the second row and second column. Suppose the fridge pressure is under 100 torr. In that case, the Fridge/100 (Torr) target parameter is reliable, and the fridge temperature to the Fridge/100 (K) target parameter is in the second row and second column.
In the above picture, insert the number you want to enter at point 4 and press Enter.
LCW Flow Parameters:
We need to monitor the LCW parameters because KMag is ramped up. Please use the following link to see the strip charts for the LCW target parameters: https://e906-gat1.fnal.gov/data-summary/e1039/target-par-preset/target-shift-20240430.php