(make group procurement log with google spreadsheet)
Considerations before purchase order
- Consult Dustin when the cost of a purchase is beyond $1000.
- Never order something you can't defend and try to think economically but also effectively.
- Don't select the more expensive item unless its more cost effective in the long run.
Standard Procedure
Step to order:
- Download the order form and fill it out: Order Form
Sample requisition form, and instructions:
- Using your UVA email send your order to: phys-stockroom@virginia.edu (please use only this email)
- Once the order has been submitted, fill the Monthly-Procurement here:
*** https://myuva.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/as-physics-poltar/Eb2Ngvp3GMVJnAyVHm27AFoBj5667PBZfsPOA1ZSsJ7yqA?e=3mOHGH
Some old information :Monthly Accounting - Upload the order form to the Group Drop-Box here: Purchase Order Records
New Folder: New Folder to upload purchase request forms (need UVA ID credentials)
Use the updated PTAO numbers using this page → UVA-PTAO
*** There are three spreadsheets (for each PTAO) per month namely A (standard/old PTAO), B (standard/old PTAO with PY number), C (PTAO with limited finds for in-cave constructions)
So, please use the correct spreadsheet for each order, depending on the PTAO that you use.
Check this page for more details: Gas and Cryogenics Ordering for NM4 <-(click here)
A sample email to Dawn, Faye and George (don't forget to cc Dustin)
Dear Dawn, Faye, and George,
Please proceed with the attached purchase-request items from https://www.mcmaster.com
(purchase request file is attached) to be delivered at the NM4 building at the Fermilab.
Please use PTAO ############### (mention the relevant PTAO)
Direct links:
- https://www.mcmaster.com/3060T49/ (Qty 6)
- https://www.mcmaster.com/3115T21/ (Qty 3)
- https://www.mcmaster.com/3115T17/ (Qty 3)
Don' forget to attach the purchase requisition form
Special Procedure
You could take this procedure in case of small purchase. It is acceptable thanks to George.
- E-mail George <gls8b@virginia.edu> with the links to the items and the number that you need. Do not forget to provide the PTAO and the shipping address.
- CC the message above to Ernesto (or Ishara) so that we can keep track of the expenditure in the spreadsheets.
Self Purchase Order and Reimbursement
Valid cases
- Budget = PTAO A
- Seller = Local stores, Online shopping sites
- Decide purchase items.
- Consult Dustin when the cost of a purchase is beyond $1000.
- Place an order
- Use your own billing and shipping addresses??
- Make a record onto the group spreadsheet.
- Do this at this timing??
- Receive all items.
- Make and submit a document for reimbursement.
- Scanned copy or downloaded file of receipt.
- To Dawn Shifflet via e-mail.
- Multiple receipts can be submitted at once.
- Example — to be written.
- Receive an e-mail to check and approve the reimbursement.
- Make an inventory list that you want to ship here: Shipping Inventory
- Download the shipping form: Shipping Form
- Fill in the shipping form:
a. Measure the dimensions of the shipping container
b. Measure the weight (available in the loading dock)
c. Unless there is a special request, use the normal shipping (2 days FedEx)
d. Put the insurance according to the Insurance policy (TBA soon) Fill the expense in Monthly-Procurement: Monthly Accounting
a. Put the tracking number in the description column- Send the shipping form to Dawn Shiflet: dbs5s@virginia.edu
- Upload the shipping form in the Group DropBox : Shipping Records
- Contact the person in charge at the shipping destination and share the information (inventory list and tracking number).
Other useful information
DigiKey ID: 14267801 (Created by DigiKey on during a phone call to request information on Vishay resistors for target stick)