Because SafeGrounds houses information and documentation about many types of incidents concerns, which are managed by multiple units across the University, the system was designed to enable sharing of information across units. This is done with the use of “Potential” case types, either at the time a case is created, at the time a Just Report It! case is initially reviewed, or later in case response if additional information becomes available.

It is the responsibility of the Case Owner on a case to spot and refer potential concerns which may implicate other units, and it is the responsibility of the designated SafeGrounds contact in each area to review referred cases within one business day after case referral.

A. If a referred case does implicate the policies, response obligations, or practices of the unit that received the referral, that unit will remove the Potential case type, and add the appropriate unit-specific Case Type(s) in their area, effectively creating a lane for follow-up in that area.
B. If a referred case does not implicate the policies, response obligations, or practices of the unit that received the referral, that unit will remove the Potential Case Type in their unit and add any appropriate additional Potential Case Type(s) to refer the case to another unit.

SafeGrounds documents any case referrals in the Steps to Complete area of the Case Overview Page. After a case has been referred by adding the Potential case type, a green check box will appear showing the date and time that the case was referred:

  • To refer a case at the time that a case is created in SafeGrounds, the user entering the case should add the appropriate Potential Case Type(s) to the appropriate Involved Party OR use the Considered Other Classifications function in the Steps to Complete area of the Case Overview page (see below). For more information about creating a case and adding Case Type(s), see Case Types

  • To refer a case at the time that a Just Report it case is initially reviewed by the Dean on Call, the Dean on Call should remove the Just Report It Case Type, and add the appropriate Potential Case Type(s) to the appropriate Involved Party on the Edit Case page, OR use the Considered Other Classifications function in the Steps to Complete area of the Case Overview page (see below). For more information about Just Report It protocol, see Appendix G: Non Student Just Report It Protocol. The Dean on Call is expected to conduct initial review of all Just Report It cases.

  • To refer a case after additional information becomes available, the Case Owner should add the appropriate Potential Case Type(s) to the appropriate Involved Party using the Edit Case page.

Considered Other Classifications Function in Steps to Complete
Case Owners on a case are expected to complete the Considered Other Classifications step in their Steps to Complete at the time that they enter or initially review a case. This function can also be accessed at a later time through the Case Tools button at the top of all cases.