

Case Evidence

Documentation supporting the facts of the case

Incident Info

Additional information that describes the reported incident or alleged conduct

Respondent History

Relevant information concerning the respondent

Complainant History

Relevant information concerning the complainant


Information or document not described by one of the specific tags

Parental Notification Letter

Letter sent after parental notification for mental health hospitalization

No Contact Directive

Hard copy of issued No Contact Directive issued by ODOS (Non-PC) or TIX Office (PC)

Case Notes

Additional information gathered about case or alleged conduct

Case History

Information regarding previous cases with the involved parties or relevant background related to case or alleged conduct

Text Messages

Text messages relevant to the case or alleged conduct


Emails relevant to the case or alleged conduct

Interim Suspension Letter

Interim Suspension letter, pending outcome of appropriate adjudicatory process. Can be issued by Office of the Dean of Students (Non-PC) or Title IX Office (PC)

Police Referral Form

Form including PII of involved party and details of the incident as described by the arresting office. Normally attached to police notification email.

Image File

Photographic supporting evidence to the case or alleged conduct

Video File

Video supporting evidence to the case or alleged conduct

Audio File

Audio support evidence to the case or alleged conduct

Police Notification

Email detailing the alleged conduct and PII of involved party

No Trespass Order

Written issuance of written No Trespass Order for all or part of University property by University Police Department

Public Report Supporting Doc

Documentation submitted as support to a public report (JRI)

Timely Warning Decision Matrix

Document completed by the police and attached to police notification email

Additional Report

Additional reported submitted about the same incident


Written correspondence relevant to the case or alleged conduct