You build network visualizations using network graphs. Here's a visual representation of a network graph:  


Network graphs are a series of nodes connected by edges or links. 

In the example above, the shapes are all nodes. The lines that connect two shapes are links. Nodes and links are components of the graph. 

In our example, links and nodes also have different styling. For example, some links are dotted lines, and some are solid lines. Some nodes are circles and some are triangles. In Visualizations, the styling is also a component of your network graph. 

Each row in the Network spreadsheet represents a graph component. Row formatting depends on the component type. You can have as many components as you like, as long as they are in one of these categories: 

  • "node" – places a node
  • "link" – places a link
  • "class" – styles a node or link by creating a specific styling class, or styling type

You can add components in any order. 

 To add nodes, make a row with the following data: 

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Data Typesplain textplain textplain textplain textplain text



  • This sets the component type.
  • "node" must be included in the first column of every row that defines a node

The id for the node


  • Makeidsunique and specific to each node
  • Idsdonotappearonthegraph, but are used to create links between nodes

The label for the node


  • Labels appear on the node in visualization

The name of the node's class type.


  • To define class types, create a "node-class" row (see the node class table)
  • This determines the node's style


Tooltip text for the node


  • This text will appear when a user hovers over a node.

To add links that connect two nodes, make a row with the following data: 

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Data Typesplain textplain textplain textplain text



  • This sets the component type.
  • "link" must be included in the first column of every row that places a link

The id for the first node in the relationship


  • Define node ids when you create nodes
  • Learn more about node ids in Column 2 of the "add nodes" section of this guide

The class type for the link


    • To define class types, create a "link-class" row (see thelink class table)
    • This determines the link's style
    • The class type describes how the nodes are related

The id for the second node in the relationship


  • Define node ids when you create nodes
  • Learn more about node ids in
  • Column 2 of the "add nodes" section of this guide



 To style nodes, make a row with the following data: 

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Data Typesplain textplain textplain textplain text



  • This sets the component type.
  • "class" must be included in the first column of every row that defines a style

The name of the class type


  • This lets you quickly reference the node styling when you create a node
  • Learn more at Column 4 of the "add nodes" section

The property name


    • This defines what node style element the class will affect (for example, color or shape)
    • Find a full list of property names you can use in the Appendix below

The value for the property in Column 3


    • This defines what style the node will have, depending on the property. For example, if Column 3 was "color", this Column might be "blue"


 To style links, make a row with the following data: 

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Data Typesplain textplain textplain textplain text



  • This sets the component type.
  • "class" must be included in the first column of every row that defines a style

The name of the class type


  • This lets you quickly reference the link styling when you create a link
  • Learn more at Column 4 of the "add links" section

The property name


    • This defines what link style element the class will affect (for example, color or shape)
    • Find a full list of property names you can use in the Appendix below

The value for the property in Column 3


    • This defines what style the link will have, depending on the property. For example, if Column 3 was "color", this Column might be "blue"

Customization Options

Go to Common Customization Options to see the rest of the options

Background color

sets the background color of your chord graph

  • Click the colored square to choose a color
  • Learn more about choosing colors
Space for labels

sets the space between chord labels

  • Type in a higher number to have less space between labels and a smaller overall graph
  • Type in a lower number to have more space between labels and a larger overall graph

Width of group band

sets the width of the outer rim of the graph

  • Type in a lower number for a thinner band
  • Type in a higher number for a thicker band
Link line width

sets the thickness of the chords

  • Type in a higher number for a thicker outline 
  • Type in a lower number for a thinner outline
Link colors

sets the color of the links throughout the graph

  • Click the colored square to show the ColorPicker tool
  • Choose a color for each section of the graph by clicking the squares at the top of the ColorPicker tool

sets whether the chords are filled or outlined in color

  • "True" fills the chords with color
  • "False" outlines the chords in color



 Node property names and allowed values:


property name
allowed values
colorThe color of the nodeEither an RGB color expressed in hexadecimal numbers prefixed with a '#' or one of these color names: blue, red, green
alphaThe transparency of the nodeA number between 0 and 1, where 1 is maximally opaque


Link property names and allowed values:
property namedefinitionallowed values
colorThe color of the linkEither an RGB color expressed in hexadecimal numbers prefixed with a '#' or one of these color names: blue, red, green
alphaThe transparency of the linkA number between 0 and 1, where 1 is maximally opaque




  • No labels