Whenever you have color options in the visualization editor, you can use the color picker. A square color icon next to the field marks the color picker.
Choose Colors
- Click the colored square in the field that you are working on
The Color Picker will appear
- Click a color on the color wheel or the color tabs
The color you picked will show up in the preview pane; its hex triplet will appear in the center of the color wheel
- Change the color's saturation using the left slider bar
- Pull the slider down to make the color fainter
- Change the color's brightness using the right slider bar
- Pull the slider down to make the color darker
- Click on OK to close the Color Picker
The color of the visualization feature will change
Choose Harmonious Colors
- Click the colored square in the field that you are working on
The color picker will appear
- Select a base color
- The color picker will show you what colors match this base in the next step
- Click Schemes
Several types of schemes will appear
- Select a color from the scheme options
- Click Ok
The scheme color you chose will apply to your visualization feature