Testing Setup Instructions page

Testing results Fall-Winter 2020 page

Tips and tricks for the testing of the boards:

Expected values:

Diode Tune ~ 2 and 4V not to exceed 8 V

That should not change much as it is detrmined by the external tuners.

Phase Tune  ~1V ~ 5V

New boards maybe around 5V

Operaring tune 2.4 V

Amplitude main peak ~5-7mV

They should all stay pretty much the same once they are tuned correctly.

External tuners testing details

Board 1 (Astrid):

Diode Tune 2.96V

Phase Tune 2.43V

Operaring tune 2.4 V

Amplitude main peak 5.3 (0.0053 V)

Board 2 (Default-Pat)

Diode tune 3.14V

Phase Tune 2.55V

Op tune 2.55V

Ampl 5.4 (0.0054V)

Board 3 (Astrid)

Diode tune 3.16V

Phase tune 2.57V

Op Tune 2.57 V

Ampl 5.3 (0.0053V)

Modified Boards:

Board #3

-Diode tune


-Op & Phase 6.830

Amplitude ~0.005V

Board #4

DT: 3.147

Op & Phase: 5.150


Schematic of external tuner

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