Graph and Chart Settings

Background setting(s)

Sets the background fill color, the border color, and the border width.

Fill and border colors

  1. Click the colored square 
    • The Color Picker tool will open
  2. Choose a color

Border width

  1. Type in the number of pixels for your border
    • The larger the number, the thicker the border


Enable user draw?

Lets your audience draw on the chart or graph.

  • Choose "True" to let your audience make annotations on the chart
  • Learn more at Annotate a Visualization
  • These annotations are not saved permanantly, and they are not public-facing

Data source URL

Gets data from a Google Sheet.

Font size

Sets the font size of the text on your chart.

  • By default, the font size is 12 pt
  • If you have over three columns of text, font sizes over 30 pt make the text hard to read 


Controls the height of your chart or graph.

  • The canvas height is generally a number between 1 and 400 
  • Values greater than 400 are possible for some charts; very tall charts take longer to load


Controls the width of your chart or graph. 

  • The canvas width is generally a number between 1 and 400 
  • Values greater than 400 are possible for some charts; very wide charts take longer to load

Graph Settings

Font Color

Sets the color of the font in your graph. 

  1. Click the colored square
    • The Color Picker tool will open 
  2. Choose a color

Link colors 

Sets colors for the chords in the graph.

  1. Click the colored square
    • The Color Picker tool will open 
  2. Choose a color

Link line width 

Sets the width of the links.

  • Large numbers create thick lines; small numbers create thin lines

Node shape 

Formats the shape of the nodes. 

  • Choose a shape from the drop-down menu

Chart Settings

Chart area setting(s)

Sets the placement and size of the chart area. 

  • Use a number or percentage (for example, 20 or 75%)

Chart colors

Sets the colors for your chart. 

  1. Click the colored square
    • The Color Picker tool will open 
  2. Choose a color

Data Filter

Lets you reorder data or display a small portion of your dataset.


Font name

Sets the font of your chart's text.

  • Use web-safe fonts: these fonts are installed on most browsers
  • Web-safe fonts include Arial, Arial Black, Courier New, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana, and others 

Horizontal axis settings

Formats the x-axis. 


Sets a baseline for the x-axis. 

Baseline color 

Sets the color of the baseline. 

  1. Click the colored square
    • The Color Picker tool will open 
  2. Choose a color


Controls the order of the values on the x-axis. 

  • Type in -1 to reverse the order of the values along this axis

Axis Label Format 

Adds a label in front of the values along the x-axis.  

Log Scale? 

Makes the horizontal axis logarithmic. 

  • Type "true" to make the x-axis logarithmic
  • Make sure all values are positive

Text Position 

Changes the position of the x-axis labels relative to the chart area

  • This can be "out", "in", or "none". 

Axis Title

Enter a title for the x-axis. 

Max Value

Sets the maximum number that displays on the chart. 

  • Type in the maximum number you want to be shown on the chart

Min Value

Sets the minimum number that displays on the chart. 

  • Type in the minumum number you want to be shown on the chart

Slanted Text

Rotates the text. 

  • Type "true" to display labels on the x-axis at an angle – this fits more text along the axis
  • Type "false" to display labels upright
  • By default, Visuals slants labels if they wouldn't fit on the axis otherwise.

Legend position 

Controls where you want the legend to appear in respect to the chart.

  • "bottom:" the legend displays below the chart
  • "in:" the legend displays inside of the chart
  • "none:" the legend disappears
  • "right:" the legend displays to the right of the chart
  • "top:" the legend displays above the chart

Legend text setting(s)

Customize how the legend will appear. 


Type in a font style. 


Type in a number. 


  1. Click the colored square
    • The Color Picker tool will open 
  2. Choose a color

Line width

Controls the width of data lines. 

  • Set the width of the lines in your chart from anywhere between 1 and above

Opacity of area chart

Controls the opacity of the area below the chart lines

  • Enter a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque

Series setting(s)

Lets you overlay several chart styles on top of each other, with each column of data being depicted by its own style. 


Size of points

Determines how the points in your chart will appear. 

  • Type in a higher number to display larger points
  • Type in a lower number to display smaller points
    • 1 is the minimum

Stacked chart?

Controls how you want the data to appear in the chart. 

  • "True" shows the data as stacked on top of each other
  • "False" shows the data as individual sets of data

Tooltip setting(s)

Styles how the text in the tooltip will appear. 


Type in a font name

  • Use web-safe fonts: these fonts are installed on most browsers

Font size

Type in a number as small as 1px


  1. Click the colored square
    • The Color Picker tool will open 
  2. Choose a color

Vertical axis setting(s)

Formats the y-axis.