Initial conditions:
Magnet Level: The magnet is already cold. The helium level in the magnet does not matter, but it should not be warm.
QT Dewar level: Liq A has some liquid and should be cold.
QT Dewar level: Liq B = Warm, pumped, and purged. Flushed out level sensors.
- [MV02 should be set to restrict flow to allow only 100 SLM; if it is, then the pressure should be able to be regulated in the dewar]
- Open VJVA/B and VPC ahead of time at the beginning of the dewar A/B cooldown.
- Dewar setting should be on AUTO+Liquefy mode.
- Set the outlet flow at 20slm. The gas will flow through the cold head and pass through the dewar neck. It will take a few hours to cooldown the dewar.
4. Run the system for four hours. Then switch it to normal mode, like 20slm (outlet) and AUTO+Liquefy, and leave it there until it starts liquefying.