- Turn OFF the microwave
When you turn OFF the microwave, there will be an alarm from Microwave VI regarding the microwave temperatures. That's because you turned it OFF. So you can ignore that alarm and Turn off that alarm using the "Warning Sound" toggle button on the microwave VI (see the image below).

- Open Gate-Valve-Bypass fully: How to control the Fridge Return flow (GV and GV Bypass)
- Turn OFF booster pumps: Roots pumps PLC interface
- Close Gate-Valve: How to control the Fridge Return flow (GV and GV Bypass)
- Check with the Target Expert whether you want to take data for T1 measurement.
If yes, then Set the GV-Bypass PID to 23.48 Torr (to maintain 2K to take T1 measurement)
If not, then Set the GV-Bypass PID to 400 Torr (press the "Auto Control with Pressure" button and ensure the setpoint is 400 Torr)

- Communicate with the Target Expert (TE) that you are going to Ramp-down the magnet: Follow the steps on Magnet Power Supply Ramping Up - Down Procedure with the TE's monitoring.
- Make sure to have the configuration parameters on Hold Mode page