Check-list for filling magnet with LHe from QT Dewars Date: …………………
Name (Shift Person): …………………………………………………………….
Initial Status |
Selected QT Dewar to fill (A? or B?) |
Did you bring down the Dewar to 3psi? |
Outside tank pressure (PT8) before filling |
Magnet LHe level |
Magnet Pressure |
Riser location |
Parallel plates relief pressure |
TX1 |
Initial QT Dewar Level |
Cold-Circulation |
Time of Opening VPC and VJV(A/B) |
Did you wait for 10 mins? |
Has TX1 gotten to a plateau below 95K after 10 mins |
Time of setting the Mag. FC from “AUTO” to “OPEN” |
Time of Opening the VJVT |
Did separator relief valve open in the cave? |
Liquid Transfer |
Time of Closing the VPC |
Time of switching the Liquefier to Manual |
Lowest flow to balance the Dewar Pressure around 5psi through SV501(A/B) and SV501(A/B)MQ) |
Steps to implement when the magnet LHe level reaches ~45%
Stopping transfer |
Time of Opening VPC, closing both VJVT and VJV(A/B) |
Time of closing SV501(A/B), changing Dewar pressure to 5psi, and switching the LQ to Liquefier mode |
Time of switching to “AUTO” and set the automatic mode on Mag. Flow controller |
Final QT Dewar level |
Final Magnet level |
Outside tank pressure (PT8) after filling |
Did you change the Dewar Set Pressure back to 5psi? |
Transfer efficiency |
What was the transfer efficiency? |