Check-list for filling magnet with LHe from QT Dewars             Date: …………………

Name (Shift Person): …………………………………………………………….


Initial Status

Selected QT Dewar to fill (A? or B?)



Did you bring down the Dewar to 3psi?



Outside tank pressure (PT8) before filling



Magnet LHe level



Magnet Pressure



Riser location



Parallel plates relief pressure






Initial QT Dewar Level






Time of Opening VPC and VJV(A/B)



Did you wait for 10 mins?



Has TX1 gotten to a plateau below 95K after 10 mins



Time of setting the Mag. FC from “AUTO” to “OPEN”



Time of Opening the VJVT



Did separator relief valve open in the cave?





Liquid Transfer

Time of Closing the VPC



Time of switching the Liquefier to Manual



Lowest flow to balance the Dewar Pressure around 5psi through SV501(A/B) and SV501(A/B)MQ)




Steps to implement when the magnet LHe level reaches ~45%

Stopping transfer

Time of Opening VPC, closing both VJVT and VJV(A/B)



Time of closing SV501(A/B), changing Dewar pressure to 5psi, and switching the LQ to Liquefier mode



Time of switching to “AUTO” and set the automatic mode on Mag. Flow controller



Final QT Dewar level



Final Magnet level



Outside tank pressure (PT8) after filling



Did you change the Dewar Set Pressure back to 5psi?


Transfer efficiency

What was the transfer efficiency?