Here we assume the previously outlined magnet alignment has already been achieved and we are now just interested in locating the beam to the center of our target.
Crosshair and pencil targets that can be loaded into the existing inserts are intended for target-beam alignment. Crosshair targets can be made out of a standard target cell with CuNi wire running verticle and horizontal. We have fine control of the y-direction with the actuator table. We can also make a machine SS target of the length of the target cell (8 cm) with a circular profile sitting dead center of the target cell to help determine this location with scalars.
It is not anticipated to be needed but an x-alignment device can be made as well. If a tool is necessary for central course alignment in x we can make a cylindrical insert of around 0.7" wide with a solid wire (of various thicknesses) running verticle. Rotation of the insert would change the position of the verticle wire. Such a thing can be made to rotate a fraction of a degree with a stepper motor if needed.