Work/discuss with a partner!
Remember to log into rivanna to begin!
Important: Refer to the getting_started page for instructions on connecting to your rivanna account.
You are off to a great start! You have already learned many new skills - keep it up!
- Learn about lists, tuples, conditionals and loops. More challenging programming exercise with prime numbers.
0) Get the GitHub repository for class05 and clone it to your area in Rivanna.
Use this link to accept the assignment and create your repository for class05 on GitHub:
After you accept the assignment and the repository and it exists in your GitHub clone the class05 repository into your working area on Rivanna.
>>> git clone<userid>.git
Navigate into that directory via usage of the 'cd' command.
1) Work through Jupyter Notebook.
Work through the FlowControl.ipynb JupyterLab Notebook. It is in your repository. Complete the exercises within.
→ Add, commit, and push your FlowControl.ipynb to GitHub and make sure it is updated there.
2) Fun with strings. (if time remains- Prof. Group -make sure is in classo5 repo and that you talk some about strings in the slides)
Copy over to a file named Make sure to update the header information at the top of the file.
In this program request an input string from the user (hint: use the input function). Your program should:
- Check how many words are in the string (use strip and split - check documentation for how to do it), and print info to the screen.
- Count how many characters are in the string, and print info to the screen.
- print the first 2 characters to the screen.
- print the last 2 characters to the screen.
- Request an integer from the user (use input). Check to make sure it is an integer. Hint: use try/except (Google it if you need to) to make sure. Input validation!
- Use a for loop (example in reading) to print the string to the screen the number of times of the integer that they input can count them. It should look like this:
1 : this is my string
2 : this is my string
3 : this is my string
4 : this is my string
5 : this is my string
Include documentation/comments to and add, commit, and push it to your repository on GitHub . .