SystemLeaderOn-call persons
QT liquefier IsharaIshara, Kenichi, Liliet, Farooq, Forhad, Vaniya
NMR ForhadHuma, Syed, Farooq, Ishara, Liliet, Forhad, Vaniya 
Slow Controls KenichiKenichi, Vibodha, Huma,  Forhad
Microwave + LifterVibodhaVibodha, Vaniya, Mohit, and Forhad
Target MaterialSyedFarooq, Huma
InsertVanyiaVanyia, Ernesto, Mohit, Vibodha
ssRFHuma/SyedSyed, Huma, Ishara, Farooq, Forhad
InventoryMohitMohit, Farooq, Ernesto, Ishara

Basic Skills for Slow Controls

CategorySkillLearning Method
LabVIEWStart and stop the main and sub panels of CCP.Read the instructions.

Understand the block diagram of VIs in CCP.Make and run some (simpler) VIs by yourself.

Understand the structure of CCP.To be documented.
DevicesLocate all sensors and controllers used in CCP.Go through each subsystem in CCP and check if you know where its sensors and controllers are.

Turn on/off the controllers with proper configuration.Read the manual of each controller and our Confluence page (to be documented).


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