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The cables I have are just placeholders here.  Please identify which cables you need for you hardware setup and fill in the

cable type with diameter and length required.

My best information right now is:

West Penetration (66 ft to magnet rack): All connections running to the magnet rack (plus thermocouple lines)

East Penetration (22 ft out of penetration, 47 feet to cryoplatform): Only NMR possible microwave-water

Front Penetration (55 ft to cryoplatform) : All other cabling


West Penetration



Vapor return for QT transferline (0.5 inch SS/copper line with 0.5-1 inch foam)

QT transferline for LHe magnet filling (see QT step)    

Main Flow (10 inch SS)

Separator Flow (25 mm flex hose with 1-2 inch foam)

LN2 fill (copper tubing with 5-6 inch foam)

He gas (1/8 hose HDPE for gas lines for backfilling fridge)




SuperConducting Magnet Power:

    Quantity: 2

    Diameter: 0.430" 

    Length: 66 ft from magnet to magnet power-supply on west side of cryo-platform

    Part Number: BS 638:PART 4 H.O.F.R 85 Deg.C. 25mm2 ELAND




Helium Level Sensors Inside SuperConducting Magnet and LHe Dewar:

    Quantity: 4


SuperConducting Magnet Aperature Sensors:

    Quantity: 8

    Dimensions (each): 0.055" x 0.090"

    Length: Somewhere near separator pump

    Part Number: EXFF-T-16-100



External magnet sensors TC lines (sixteen 1 mm cables) (highly length sensitive)

LHe level probe (one 7 mm cable)

LN2 level probe (one 7 mm cable)

Shim power (two 7 mm cable)




Top ceiling Penetration


Magnet boil off exhaust (25 mm flex hose with 0.5-1 inch foam) back to QT T-ed outside of cave to Quench relief outside of Hall

LN2 port exhaust (25 mm flex hose with 0.5-1 inch foam) should have a fan pulling vapor




East Penetration (less than 47ft from target to cryo-platform)


NMR lines <30 mm dim collection of multiple coax (highly length sensitive)


EIP Microwave Frequency Counter (Gorex):

    Quantity: 1

    Diameter: 0.210"



Top Front-East Opening (shortest length is about 55ft from target to cryo-platform)



Water lines for Microwave (two 3/8" SS tubing)

Pneumatic air lines (two 3/8" SS tubing)



Manometer (25 mm flex hose with 1-2 inch foam)



Annealing cables (one 7 mm cable)

Insert sensors (one 7 mm cable)

Fridge sensors (one 7 mm cable)

2 pressure sensors cabling (two 7 mm cable)

Microwave HV cables to PS (one 20 mm cable) needs line conditioner

Microwave stepper controls (three 4 mm cable)

Actuator controls (two 7 mm cable)

All instrumentation for vacuum turbo will run along this path as well but not through penetration



Bottom Front-East Opening (To Vacuum setup)


pfeiffer pressure sensor

turbo pump (KF-25 flex)

backing pump (no penetration)

turbo controller (no penetration)



Connects from Outside of Cave to Cryoplatform


HFM-305 flow meter (from inlet manifold to rack)

HFC-303 flow controller (from inlet manifold to rack)

THCD-400 4-channel readout controller (from rack to 2 HFM-305 main flow and magnet boil off)

PS AF-100-AM interconnecting cable (100 ft long)




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