Not being able to conceive a child can be heartbreaking for any couple. Fertility issues are to blame in some cases; in others, carrying a child to term could be medically dangerous or impossible for the mother. One possible solution for a couple facing childlessness is surrogacy. Surrogacy is an arrangement in which another woman agrees to carry a child for the couple and surrender it to them when it’s born. While surrogacy can make dreams of parenthood come true, it can be fraught with legal implications, emotional turmoil and unforeseen complications. It’s a decision no couple or potential surrogate should enter into impulsively.


Types A surrogacy agency assists in making all the arrangements from start to finish. Since it can be time consuming finding the right match, going through an agency might take less time. Agencies work with first-time and experienced surrogates but nonetheless keep all parties well-informed. A surrogate agency guides both parties through the details of what is involved coordinates all testing requirements and negotiates the contract. Independent matches can be found by way of word of mouth, through a surrogacy attorney, by asking a family member or friend to be a surrogate or through online message boards. Benefits Surrogacy offers another solution to couples unable to have a baby of their own. A major advantage of surrogacy in mumbai is that it allows one or both parents to be genetically related to the child. Different from adoption, surrogacy involves the intended parents in the baby’s conception and throughout the pregnancy. With a decline in the number of newborn infants available for adoption, surrogacy offers childless couples another alternative to having a baby. Considerations Couples exploring the potential of surrogacy must consider a number of critical factors. The first question is often whether to use a surrogacy agency or to find an independent match. Fees can range between $3,000 and $20,000, depending on if an agency finds a match only or offers full services. Other costs for which the intended parents usually are responsible for paying, even if they find their own surrogate, include compensation to the surrogate, attorney fees, court costs and prenatal care for the surrogate mother. Couples for whom finances may be an issue can often save thousands of dollars by finding a match independently. Warning In some cases, either the surrogate or the intended parents are taken advantage of. Unfortunately, scams involving surrogacy do occur. Sometimes people’s feelings change, or medical complications arise. Unpaid medical bills are a common problem. When the intended parents do not pay, the hospital typically holds the surrogate mother responsible for payment. Misconceptions One of the biggest myths about surrogacy is that most surrogates will not give up the baby. In most cases, surrogates already have children of their own, and it is the love for their own children that makes women want to give other couples that same opportunity to experience parenthood. A surrogate generally enters the arrangement knowing that the baby she will carry belongs to the intended parents. Prevention/Solution A thorough screening process at the onset can prevent many problems later on. Conducting thorough psychological testing along with background and credit checks on both the surrogate and the intended parents are all important factors in any surrogate arrangement. On the part of the surrogate, comprehensive health history and physical exam should be part of the process. All parties have the right to all the facts before entering into a contract. Parents must be cautious if not using the services of an agency, and a surrogate will ask for a retainer fee. If you feel uneasy about any potential surrogate match, you should say that you are not interested before the contract stage. This goes for both the intended parents and the surrogate. Expert Insight Even though more than 50,000 babies have been born as the result of surrogacy arrangements, the controversy continues. Some view it as a commercial enterprise, likening it to baby selling. Legal experts warn that in most states, surrogacy contracts can be difficult to enforce. In some states, paid surrogacy is illegal. The fact remains that both the intended parents and the surrogate take a risk when signing a surrogacy contract. Still, very few surrogate contracts ever evolve into a dispute.

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