Commerical Components:
- Q-meter and Yale-Card
- DAQ National Instruments PXIe
- Dell XPS
- SMT 06 RF Generator
- Tekronics TDS 3032 Oscilloscope\
- NI BNC 2090
- NI BNC 2115
- NI SCB-68A
- NI-PXIe-1071
- Modules:
- NI PXI-6221
- NI PXI-6225
- NI PXIe-8375
Custom Components:
- 10-pin ribbon
- 20-pin header
- DB-25 Female Connector
- 5V TTL Signal Source
- DB-25 Male Connector
- DIO Box 5V power supply
- Box:
- Three ?-inch thick aluminum plates
- 2 ¼-inch thick aluminum plates
- 1 ?-inch thick sheet of brass
- 25D connectors
- BNC Connector