Data Format
Simply link to text on a website for which you want to create a word cloud.
Customization Options
Go to Common Customization Options to see the rest of the options
Title of word cloud: sets the title that appears below the word cloud
- Type in a title
- Note that this title can be different from the title of the visualization defined at the top of the page
Title font color
- Either type in a hexadecimal color value
- Or click the colored square to show the ColorPicker tool
Title font size
- Type in a number
Lowest visible frequency: screens out words that appear less frequently
- Type in a number
- If you do not want to see words that appear only once, for example, set the "lowest visible frequency" to 2
Highest visible frequency: screens out words that appear more frequently
- If you do not want to see words that appear more than four times, for example, set the "highest visible frequency" to 3
Scale: determines the layout of your word cloud
- "Linear Scale": have words that happen more frequently be larger than words that happen less frequently
- "Logarithmic Scale": emphasize the differences between close frequencies, such as between words that appear twice and words that appear three times
- "Binary Scale": have words show up the same way regardless of frequency
Cloud colors: controls the colors used in the cloud
- By default, the Word Cloud is given randomly assigned colors
- Click the colored square to show the ColorPicker tool
- Choose one or more colors by clicking the tabs at the top of the wheel
- Note that each color selected becomes part of a gradient that is distributed across the word frequencies
Word tilt range: controls the maximum angle that the words in the cloud can be tilted
- Type in a number
A higher number tilts words more, a lower number tilts them less, and entering zero does not tilt them
Show a list of words?: hides particular words in the word cloud
- Click True in the drop-down menu
- Find a list of words in the top left corner of the word cloud
- Click x to hide words
- Undo by clicking the arrow to show words