Versions Compared


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When the same incident or concern has been entered into SafeGrounds more than once, it is important that we combine these cases to ensure effective follow-up, documentation, and data management. Any user with permission to delete cases may combine cases, but most often users with a Case Manager designation, or the designated classification owners in an area (see Designated SafeGrounds Contacts will perform this function.


  • Identify the case that you wish to retain, and the case that you wish to delete.

  • Verify that both cases have the exact same Case Classifications

    • NOTE: JRI Cases do not require matching Case Classifications

  • While in the case you wish to retain, click on the Merge link in the case menu bar

    • NOTE: a Warning message will also display on the right to confirm which case will be retained

  • Use the prompt to enter the case number of the case you wish to delete

  • From the data tree (listed under Merge Case) select the case elements that should be copied to the case being retained

    • If the same involved party exists on both cases with different roles the system will retain the involved party role from the case that is being retained

    • If involved party roles exist on the case that is being deleted but not on the case being retained the system will add them to the case that is being retained.

  • Click on the Merge button, noting that this action cannot be reversed

    • The system will do a full export of the case to be deleted and attached to the case being retained

    • The system will append the incident description for the case being deleted to the case being retained

    • The system will delete the appropriate case once the merge finishes

  • Once the merge has been completed:

    • Verify that appropriate case has been deleted

    • Verify that the export from the deleted case appears in the attachments manager

    • Update any new or additional information about the Report (such as date/time, location, etc.) in the case that you retained

    • Ensure that all Case Owners and/or Team Members on both cases are updated and aware


  • Identify the case that you wish to retain, and the case that you wish to delete.

  • In the case you wish to retain, update any new or additional information from the case you wish to delete. This could include adding or editing Involved Parties or Case Types, location, date/time of incident, etc.

    • Copy the incident description from the case that you wish to delete, and paste it into the Append Description section of the case that you wish to retain (using the Edit Case functionality)

    • If the Involved Parties are the same for both cases, be sure to add the Reporter from the case you are deleting, as a new or additional Reporter in the case that you are retaining. This means that you will likely have multiple Reporters listed in the case that you will retain.

    • If there are any Actions or Attachments added to the case that you will delete, add those as Actions or Attachments to the case that you will retain.

  • Export the case that you wish to delete. Export all parts of the case, which will be saved as a Zipped file.

  • Save the Exported case as an Attachment to the case you will retain. Select the Attachment Tag Additional Report and appropriately label the Attachment in the body of the Attachment description (best practice is to include the date and reporter of the case you are attaching).

  • Delete the case that you have Exported, after you’re sure that it has been saved to the case you are retaining. Enter a reason for deleting, which references the case number for the case that you have retained.