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Field LabelDefinitionType
Agent NameThe name of the person.short text
Agent RoleThe person's role in relation to the image.controlled vocabulary
Agent Date(s)A date associated with the person. This can be a range of dates (for example, birth and death dates). Use the MM/DD/YYYY format.



Agent Place(s)Place(s) associated with this person. This can include places of birth, death, important life events, and more. This field uses Knowledge Maps.knowledge map
Notes on this AgentAny other information you want to add about the agent.long text


Description & Notes

Field labelDefinitionTypeAllows Multiples

Image Descriptions

A description for the image. Each description has several parts, which you can see in the table below.(tick)
Image NotesAny other information for the image. This information is publicly available.

long text

(WYSIWYG or plain text)

Admin NotesInformation on the image for project collaborators. Only people with edit permissions will see this text.

long text

(WYSIWYG or plain text)



Field labelDefinitionTypeAllows Multiples
CaptionThe title for the description.short text 
SummaryA short summary of the description.

short text

DescriptionInformation that describes the image.

long text

(WYSIWYG or plain text)

LanguageThe language of the description. This field uses Knowledge Maps.kmaps 
Description Author(s)The authors for the description.short text(tick)



Field labelDefinitionTypeAllows Multiples
SubjectsA subject Knowledge Map associated with an image. You can include more than one subject.kmap(tick)
PlacesA place Knowledge Map associated with the image. This might represent where the image was made, places referenced in the image, and more. You can include more than one place.kmap 
Other Classification Schemes Classification fields from schemes outside of Mandala. This can include Library of Congress subject headings, geographical names from the Getty Thesaurus, and more. You can contact to add your own scheme. (tick)
Classification Notes   

Technical Details

Field labelDefinitionTypeAllows Multiples
Only Digital Select this if your image was created digitally. If this is checked, the image doesn't represent a physical object that was scanned or photograph.boolean 
Image RotationThe original rotation for the image. This does not rotate the image, it just represents how the uploaded image has been rotated from the "right-side up" perspective.controlled vocabulary 
Quality The quality of the image. controlled vocabulary 
Color The color of the image (color or black & white)controlled vocabulary 
Physical size 

The size of the original physical artifact. Use width x height x depth, followed by the abbreviation for the unit of measurement.

Example: 10 x 5 cm.

short text 
Capture device The device used to create the image or digitize the artifact.short text 
Materials Materials used in the original physical object, if applicable.long text (plain text) 
Enhancement Any enhancements done to the image after it was created or digitized.long text (plain text) 
Technical Notes 

long text

(WYSIWYG or plain text)



Field labelDefinitionTypeAllows Multiples
Copyright Holder The entity that holds the copyright to the image.short text 
Copyright Date The copyright date.short text 
Copyright Statement A short note that describes the nature of the copyright.

Example: All Rights Reserved.
long text (plain text) 
Rights Notes Any additional notes on the copyright.

long text

(WYSIWYG or plain text)



Use Group Defaults The privacy settings for the collection apply to the image.
Public – Accessible To All Site Users Anyone that visits Mandala can see this image.
Private – Accesible Only To Group Members Only members of the image's collection can see this image.

Agent Roles



