Texts are built in a data tree structure. To guide you through the structure, we'll slowly build a table of contents that represents the text.
To begin a text, start with your first page. This page contains all the metadata for your text. Learn how to begin a text. Remember, every text needs to be in a collection.
Once you've created your first page, you can add sections to that first page by inserting more pages: these are child pages of the section. In the example below, we've added three pages (Introduction, Section A, and Conclusion) to the Main Title page. Learn how to add sections to texts.
What happens if you want subsections on a certain page, say Section A? Just add more 'child pages' under Section A, in the same way you inserted Section A into the Main Title.
You can continue building your text this way indefinitely. This can give you complex structures, like the partial table of contents below from a real example. Remember: you can only have one main, top-level page.
- Preface
- Introduction
- List of the monasteries surveyed
- Bonpo monasteries and temples in Central Tibet
- (1) sMan ri Monastery
- 1. Name
- 2. Location
- 3. History
- 4. Hierarchical system
- 5. Current number of monks
- 6. Current education
- 7. Educational exchange
- 8. Daily rituals
- 9. Annual rituals performed in former times, based on the Tibetan calendar
- 10. Books held in the monastery
- 11. Income and expenses
- 12. Local community
- 13. Local festivals
- 14. Occupation of the local people
- (2) gYung drung gling
- (3) Ri rgyal Monastery
- (4) Ri zhing Monastery
- (5) bDe chen sgang Hermitage
- (6) bZang ri Monastery
- 1. Name
- 2. Location
- 3. History
- 4. Headship system
- 5. Current number of monks
- 6. Current education
- 7. Educational exchange
- 8. Daily rituals
- 9. Annual rituals, based on the Tibetan calendar
- 10. Books held in the monastery
- 11. Income and expenses
- 12. Local community
- 13. Local festivals
- 14. Occupation of the local people
- (7) mKhar sna Monastery
- (8) Pus mo sgang Monastery
- (1) sMan ri Monastery
- Bonpo monasteries and temples in Nagchu, Chamdo and Ngari regions
- Bonpo monasteries and temples in Tibetan regions in Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan
- The bo County
- bSang chu County
- Reb gong
- (124) sGar ba Temple, (125) sBra ser Temple, (126) gZe ma Temple,1 (127) sKa rgya Temple
- (128) ’Brog ru stong skor Temple
- (129) ’Brog ru’i dPon tshang Tent Temple
- (130) Bon brgya Tshogs ras (Tent Temple)
- (131) Bon brgya Khyung smon Monastery
- (132) Dung dkar Monastery
- (133) rKa gsar Temple
- (134) A rig stong skor Temple
- Appendix: Excerpts from the history of the Ya ngal clan
- Terms of governing system and duties in monasteries
- List of Authors