Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




Each row represents an event on the timeline. The Timeline spreadsheet requires exact data labels. Add these to your spreadsheet's first row exactly as they are written on this table. 

Data Typeplain textplain textplain textplain textplain textplain textplain textplain textnumbernumbernumberplain text

A short, unique id for the event

Marks the start date for the event in plain text


Marks the end date for the event in plain textinplaintextThe label for the event. This will appear on the timeline.Describes the event. This will pop up on the timeline when a user clicks the event's label.An image URL. This adds an image link to the event.A URL. This adds a link to the event's popupspopup.An image filename. This adds an icon next to the event's label on the timeline.

Choose from the list of filenames below.
Represents the relative importance of the event. This determines the event's size and visibility on the timeline.

Determines the minimum zoom value at which the event is visible on the timeline.


Make sure this value is different than high_threshold; otherwise, your event won't show up

Determines the maximum zoom value at which the event is visible on the timeline.


Make sure this value is different than low_threshold; otherwise, your event won't show up

A variable that determines how a given day appears on the timeline.


Options are "year", "month", "day", "hour", or "none" (hides the date)

RequiredOptional x xx  xxxxxxx



Customization Options

Table of Contents

Go to Common Customization Options for more settings

Source of events


sets the data source

Title of timeline

: sets the title that displays in the header of the above the timeline

  • Enter a title

: describes the data represented in the timeline

  • Type in a short description
  • Note that, by By default, the description is only visible when a user clicks the "info" link
  • Set the  "Show the description?" option to "true" True to have show the description automatically open when your timeline loads on a page
Center date of timeline

: sets the initial center of the timeline

  • Enter a date
  • Note that this value can vary in specificity -- from years, to minutes and seconds

Initial zoom of timeline

Minimum zoom of timeline

Maximum zoom of timeline

Image lane height

Maximum # of Popups

Show the footer?


  • Use the DD/MM/YYYY format
Initial zoom of timeline

sets the initial perspective of your timeline

  • Type in a number -- the lower the number, the shorter the time span
  • Use these guidelines to choose a zoom number:  
    • 60: show 1,000 years of the timeline
    • 55: show 350 years of the timeline 
    • 50: show 100 years of the timeline
    • 45: show 35 years of the timeline
    • 40: show 10 years of the timeline 
    • 35: show 3 years of the timeline
    • 30: show 10 months of the timeline 
    • 25: show 3 months of the timeline
    • 20: show 1 month of the timeline 
    • 15: show 10 days of the timeline
    • 10: show 3 days of the timeline
    • 5: show 8 hours of the timeline
Minimum zoom of timeline 

controls the minimum zoom factor of the timeline

  • Type in a number (1 - 100)
Maximum zoom of timeline

controls the maximum zoom factor of the timeline

  • Type in a number (1 - 100)
Image lane height

controls the height of the images at the top of the timeline

  • Type in a number
Maximum # of Popups

sets how many popups to keep open at one time

  • Type in a number
  • After you open the maximum number of popups, the first opened popup will close
Show the footer?

displays the date of an event and "previous" and "next" buttons at the bottom of the timeline

  • True shows the footer
  • False hides the footer
Show zoom bar?

adds a zoom bar to the timeline

  • True shows the zoom bar
  • False hides the zoom bar

Icon Files 

You can add icons to the Shanti Timeline visualization. Each icon will appear to the right of the event in the timeline.
You can only use the icons we've listed below. To use an icon for an event, copy one of these filenames into the icon column of your spreadsheet (see column 8 in the table above). Make sure to copy the filename exactly, and include the extension. The file name describes the icon. 
  • circle_black.png
  • circle_blue.png
  • circle_gray.png
  • circle_green.png
  • circle_orange.png
  • circle_purple.png
  • circle_red.png
  • circle_white.png
  • circle_yellow.png
  • flag_black.png
  • flag_blue.png
  • flag_gray.png
  • flag_green.png
  • flag_orange.png
  • flag_purple.png
  • flag_red.png
  • flag_white.png
  • flag_yellow.png
  • halfcircle_black.png
  • halfcircle_blue.png
  • halfcircle_gray.png
  • halfcircle_green.png
  • halfcircle_orange.png
  • halfcircle_purple.png
  • halfcircle_red.png
  • halfcircle_white.png
  • halfcircle_yellow.png
  • inf_black.png
  • inf_blue.png
  • inf_gray.png
  • inf_green.png
  • inf_orange.png
  • inf_purple.png
  • inf_red.png
  • inf_white.png
  • inf_yellow.png
  • music_black.png
  • music_blue.png
  • music_gray.png
  • music_green.png
  • music_orange.png
  • music_purple.png
  • music_red.png
  • music_white.png
  • music_yellow.png
  • plus_black.png
  • plus_blue.png
  • plus_gray.png
  • plus_green.png
  • plus_orange.png
  • plus_purple.png
  • plus_red.png
  • plus_white.png
  • plus_yellow.png
  • quote.png
  • square_black.png
  • square_blue.png
  • square_gray.png
  • square_green.png
  • square_orange.png
  • square_purple.png
  • square_red.png
  • square_white.png
  • square_yellow.png
  • star_black.png
  • star_blue.png
  • star_gray.png
  • star_green.png
  • star_orange.png
  • star_purple.png
  • star_red.png
  • star_white.png
  • star_yellow.png
  • sym_card_club.png
  • sym_card_diamond.png
  • sym_card_heart.png
  • sym_card_spade.png
  • sym_file.png
  • sym_goldstar.png
  • sym_location.png
  • sym_question.png
  • sym_warning.png
  • triangle_black.png
  • triangle_blue.png
  • triangle_gray.png
  • triangle_green.png
  • triangle_orange.png
  • triangle_purple.png
  • triangle_red.png
  • triangle_white.png
  • triangle_yellow.png

The table at the top of the page can give you more information on your spreadsheet's format.