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Table of Contents
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You build network visualizations using network graphs. Here's a visual representation of a network graph:  


In our example, links and nodes also have different styling. For example, some links are dotted lines, and some are solid lines. Some nodes are circles and some are triangles. In VisualizationsMandala Visuals, the styling is also a component of your network graph. 


You can add components in any order

If you have used a network-visualization tool like Cytoscape or Gephi, you should know that the data structure for this tool is a little different in that it combines nodes and edges into a single table.  This is to say that the content of the first column always is a categorical descriptor (node, link, or class) rather than a specific entity (like a specific person's name).  "Node" has the same meaning as it does in Gephi or Cytoscape; and "link" is equivalent to "edge".  In this Shiva network tool, however, "class" establishes the attributes that are associated with nodes and edgesAttributes include the properties that are associated with the nodes. In the network diagram above, for example, Charles's node has a shape attribute (circle), a color attribute (blue), and a size attribute.  

To add nodes, make a row with the following data: 


Go to Common Customization Options to see more settings.

Table of Contents

determines the height of the graph

  • Type in a number

determines the width of the graph

  • Type in a number
Node distance

determines the distance between the nodes

  • Type in a number to set the distance
  • A larger number will spread the nodes farther apart
Node charge

determines whether nodes are repulsed or attracted to each other 

  • Type in a positive number to make the nodes attract; type in a negative number to repulse nodes 
  • Attractive nodes will spread nodes apart; repulsive nodes will overlap nodes with closer data values
Node gravity

controls the distance the nodes appear from the center of the graph

  • Higher numbers make the nodes move toward the center; lower numbers make the nodes move away
Node strength

controls the length of the links

  • Type in a number between 0 and 100
  • Higher numbers make longer links
Node shape

sets the shape of the nodes

  • Choose from a list of shapes in the drop-down menu
Popup show time

controls the number of seconds a pop-up dialogue box shows up

  • Type in a number of seconds
Node size

controls the radius of the nodes

  • Type in a higher number to create larger nodes or a lower number to create smaller nodes
Node color

sets the color a node will have if there are hidden nodes


Node property names and allowed values:
property name
allowed values
typeThe shape of the nodecircle, rectangle, square, ellipse, triangle, star
colorThe color of the nodeEither an RGB color expressed in hexadecimal numbers prefixed with a '#' or one of these color names: blue, red, green
dimThe size of the node in pixels. Specifically, the radius of a circle, half the length of the side of a square, half the base and half the height of a triangle or the length of a side of a star.A number
alphaThe transparency of the nodeA number between 0 and 1, where 1 is maximally opaque


property name
allowed values
typeThe style of linearrow, line
lineWidthThe width of the link in pixelsA number
colorThe color of the linkEither an RGB color expressed in hexadecimal numbers prefixed with a '#' or one of these color names: blue, red, green
alphaThe transparency of the linkA number between 0 and 1, where 1 is maximally opaque