- Recording the pressure gauge value for the LCW supply to the Roots pump. Please see the following pictures, whose value needs to be recorded in the above spreadsheet.
- Note: If the pressure values go below 50 psi or goes above 55 psi, please inform in the discord channel.
LCW accumulation bucket on Shielding blocks and on the lower level of NM4:
1. Target helper has to empty out the LCW accumulating bucket from the shielding blocks and lower level of NM4. After accumulating them empty it out into big white barrels.
You can make various viewpoints of the full system strip charts using this page: https://e906-gat1.fnal.gov/data-summary/e1039
The Target TV page 'https://e906-gat1.fnal.gov/data-summary/e1039/target-par-preset/target-tv.php' gives you an overall idea about the full system (but not all the parameters).