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Team Members indicate the staff members (users), who have an active role in responding to a given case. Team Member roles are different than User Roles in the system, in that Team Member roles describe an individual's role with respect to a given case, while their User Role describes their role with respect to the system as a whole (see Introduction and Overview of User Roles).

Some case access or SafeGrounds functions are limited to case Team Members, so it is important that all individuals who are actively working on a case are listed as an appropriate Team Member. Team Members can be assigned at the time that a case is entered by a user, at the time that a Just Report It! case is entered by a reporter, or later. Each Team Member in a case will be assigned a Role and a Classification. The Team Member Role indicates that Team Member's role in responding to or managing a given incident or concern. The Team Member Classification indicates the aspect of the case that a Team Member is focused on, in cases where there are multiple Case Classifications or Lanes (see Case Classifications).

Types of Team Members on a Case

  • Dean on Call: Indicates the ODOS dean on call at the time that a report was entered through the Just Report It! system. This individual is automatically added when a JRI! report is received in order to ensure that case has at least one Team Member, but is intended to be a temporary Team Member designation. The Dean on Call (or other designated staff member) must manually add him/herself, and/or another user, with the appropriate Team Member role after reviewing the case (see Team Members Added to Just Report It Cases)

  • *Case Owner: Individual with primary responsibility for managing non-PC case

  • Case Team Member: Individual with some role in responding to a case, but who does not have primary responsibility for managing a case

  • Admin: Individual with administrative role in SafeGrounds case management

  • Clery Coordinator: Clery Compliance official, responsible for final designation of Clery assessment/analysis

Title IX/PC Specific Case Roles

  • *Complainant Dean on Point: ODOS staff member (for student Complainants) or the Title IX Staff Member (for employee or third party Complainants) responsible for outreach and support to a Complainant in a PC case.

  • Respondent Dean on Point:  ODOS staff member (for student Respondents) or the Title IX Staff Member (for employee or third party Respondents) responsible for outreach and support to a Complainant in a PC case.

  • Title IX Coordinator:  Title IX staff member responsible for conducting Initial Assessment outreach to a Complainant in a PC case.

  • Alt Res Facilitator: Title IX staff member responsible for conducting Alternative Resolution of PC Case

  • Investigator: Title IX staff member responsible for conducting investigation of PC case under Formal Resolution (may be more than one).

NonPC Specific Case Roles

  • Resident Advisor: (Student) Resident Advisor involved in reporting and/or responding to a student report; automatically added to any non-PC case that he or she adds through the Add Initial Report form

  • Senior Resident: (Student) Senior Resident with oversight responsibilities for Resident Advisor; automatically added to any non-PC case that an RA creates through the Add Initial Report form

All cases should have a Complainant Dean on Point (PC Cases) OR a Case Owner (non-PC Cases) listed as the individual primarily responsible for case management and documentation.

Adding Team Members in Add Initial Report Form

When entering a new report through the Add Initial Report form, the first field labeled Assigned To will automatically revert to Self, which will add that user to the case as a Team Member (the user can also assign a case to another user by selecting a different user in this drop-down list, but should always follow up with that individual to notify them that they have been added to a case as a Team Member). When a user (usually self) is assigned to a case through the Add Initial Report form, they are assigned with a default Team Member role, which is Role-based and assigned by administrative users. When a Resident Advisor creates a case, both that Resident Advisor and their Senior Resident (student supervisor) will automatically be added to that case, except PC cases, in which case the dean on call is automatically added as the Complainant Dean on Point and student staff are not added.

Team Members Added to Just Report It Cases

At the start of each term, administrative users will upload the ODOS Dean on Call schedule to SafeGrounds, indicating the on-call dean for any given day during the term. When a reporter submits a report through the Just Report It platform, the ODOS dean on call is automatically added to that case, with the Team Member designation Dean on Call and is also notified via email that a JRI case has been submitted. This automatic notification and assignment as a Team Member ensures that the staff member responsible for initial review and response to JRI cases is quickly made aware. As part of their initial review and editing (see Just Report It Cases), the dean on call should add him/herself or the appropriate staff member as the Case Owner (non-PC cases) or the Complainant Dean on Point (PC cases). The individual reviewing a new Just Report It case should assign the Case Owner or Complainant Dean on Point based on procedural protocol set forth outside of this manual, and should notify that user after adding him or her. In cases where the Dean on Call will not remain the Case Owner, the designated contact in the non-ODOS unit is expected to make Case Team Member updates and remove the Dean on Call as a Team Member on the case.

Adding Team Members After a Report is Received

While Team Members are always added at the time that an initial report is received or created, additional Team Members may also be added to a case as needed. Team Members may be added during the course of a formal response process (such as Respondent Dean on Point or Title IX Investigator, which are added to a PC case after it has been referred for Title IX Formal Resolution). Team Members may also be added because additional staff (such as a Case Team Member) became involved in case response. Lastly, additional Team Members may be added when additional Case Classifications, or 'lanes', are added to address aspects of a report that involve other units or University policies (see Case Classifications.

To add yourself or someone else as a Team Member by clicking on the green + add button in the Team Members section of the Overview Page (circled in red below). Select the Team Member Role and User that you wish to add and click Submit.