On the strip charts,
1) Ensure both Liquefiers are producing LHe. Check the top-right plot in the https://e906-gat1.fnal.gov/data-summary/e1039/target-par-preset/target-tv.php.
2) Ensure the purifier has LN2 level above 75%. Check the top-middle plot in the https://e906-gat1.fnal.gov/data-summary/e1039/target-par-preset/target-tv.php.
If the level is below 75%, then perform a refill using the procedure: docdb 10337
3) Check the difference between the parameters "Outside gHe tank(psig)" and "PT501 (A or B or both)" using https://e906-gat1.fnal.gov/data-summary/e1039/target-all-auto.php
If the difference is above 65 psig, then that indicates that the purifier needs cleaning / regeneration.
Follow Cleaning QT purifier Helium-space (pumping-purging the purifier) procedure with the Target Expert.
Roots pumps setup
Checking two gHe bottles’ levels on the west-wall of the cryoplatform
Outside gaseous helium tank