2. SV7:
* There are two threshold values: closing-threshold and opening-threshold that can be set via the HR3 PLC Screen
* Operating closing-threshold is 70 psi
* Operating opening-threshold is 90 psi
* There is a check-valve of 50psig bypassing this SV7 (i.e. if the Buffer Tank pressure > 50 psig, then it stays open to the outside tank regardless of the SV7 state until Buffer tank pressure < 50sig)
* There is a setting called "SV7 stays closed when compressor idle" which couples to the Kaeser cycles (IDLE → LOAD → STANDSTILL ).
If it is "YES" (which seems to be the default): then SV7 is OPEN when the Kaeser Compressor is in the "LOAD" state (is shown as a dark arrow (left-to-right))
If it is "NO": then SV7 is OPEN when the Kaeser Compressor is in the "IDLE" state (is shown as a hollow arrow (left-to-right).
3. Kaeser Compressor:
* Has two modes "DUAL" and "QUADRO" see
Recursive cycles in fault mode: