Starting time (m:s): sets the start time of your video
- note that this option is useful when you want to only show a subsection of a video
- the expected format is mm:ss, e.g. 00:12
Ending time (m:s): sets the end time of your video
- this option is useful when you want to only show a subsection of a video
- the expected format is mm:ss, e.g. 09:34
Auto-play?: determines whether your video will automatically begin playing upon loading
Audio volume: sets the video player volume
- 0 (muted) - 100 (max)
Height of player: sets the height of the video player in pixels
- Note that the size of the video itself will grow or shrink to the maximum possible dimensions while retaining its original aspect ratio
Width of player: sets the width of the video player in pixels
- Note that the size of the video itself will grow or shrink to the maximum possible dimensions while retaining its original aspect ratio
Duration of clip: shows the duration of the video clip
- For example, if you want the video to last for only 2 minutes and 50 seconds, then type 2:50 into the text box
Enable user draw?:
- Click true to allow users to add annotations to the display
Annotation Customization Options