Around 11:26am on 03/12/2023
1. Set the "Mode End: Coldhead Temperature" to 3 K
2. Had to switch the LQ-A to the Manual mode for a minute and the switched back to Liquefy mode to enable the change made in the previous step.
3. See the cold-head temperatures since 03/06/2023.
4. Flow change after making the change on Mode End: Coldhead Temperature" to 3 K.
On 03/14/2023
LQ-A is still the same, LI501 shows 0.2 L. Adam suggested changing the outlet flow to 24 slm and I just changed it on the LQ-A Settings screen.
The issue was that, the FCAI hasn't go up beyond ~8slm although FCAQ is set to 24slm.