A.) Is the Internal Vacuum Chamber (IVC) good and at a pressure below 10-6 Torr
spikes above 10-5 Torr for a few seconds ONLY during filling are OK, but if it takes longer than a few minutes to come back down to 10-6 Torr, then call the Target Expert.
B.) Is the Liquefier producing normally without any alarms (RED lights indicating alarms on the QT screen) and are the cold head compressors all running (green lights).
The following screenshot shows the QT system under normal working conditions. The box in the top shows the overview
C.) Is there any sign of a target magnet quench. Know if the magnet is ramped up. If it is and at some point you see the magnet pressure shoot up to 8-9 psi in a few seconds, call the Target Expert immediately. The magnet control VI will also indicate a quench.
In the cryocontrol panel find the buttons that open the Magnet Current and the Magnet Pressure on the lower right side:
The magnet power supply will no longer show the 74.51 A of persistent current:
The magnet pressure from the cryocontrol panel will also shoot up from 1 psi to 8-9 psi:
If you see either of these two things happen independently or together please let the target expert know.
D.) What the LCW temperature. If
E.) Power Outages can be very hard for the cryogenic system to recover from. If you have a outage or even a power flicker, or anything unresponsive let the Target Expert know.
What to look for: lights flickering, loss of network on any of the target display machines, loss of IVC readout, unable to connect to any required machine for controls or monitoring, let the Target Expert know ASAP.
This monitor display must always be available. If anything unusual call Target Expert.