To get the NMR Data from the e1039gat, please follow the following steps:

  1. Make sure to have an FNAL account. Please use the terminal access:


Put your user name instead of XYZ. 

2. Put your Kerberos password. 

3. Use the following command to do ssh on e1039gat1:

ssh -Y

Access the NMR Data:

4. Please go to the following directory:

cd /data2/e1039_data/target_data/NMR/

There are several .csv files in the above directory, which you can download according to your needs. You can use the following command to copy the csv file on your local machine following the command using on a new terminal:

scp -p XYZ@e1039gat1:/data2/e1039_data/target_data/NMR/2024-06-26_02h41m05s.csv .

Access the Microwave Data:

5. Please go to the following directory:

cd /data2/e1039_data/target_data/microwave/DataRecords/

There are several .csv files in the above directory, which you can download according to your needs. You can use the following command to copy the csv file on your local machine following the command using on a new terminal:

scp -p XYZ@e1039gat1:/data2/e1039_data/target_data/microwave/DataRecords/240630_MicrowaveRun.csv .

Access the Target Lifter Data:

6. Please go to the following directory:

cd /data2/e1039_data/target_data/Target_lifter/DataRecords/

There are several .csv files in the above directory, which you can download according to your needs. You can use the following command to copy the csv file on your local machine following the command using on a new terminal:

scp -p XYZ@e1039gat1:/data2/e1039_data/target_data/Target_lifter/DataRecords/240630_LifterRunData.csv .

Access the Spill_Counter (Spill ID) Data:

7. Please go to the following directory:

cd /data4/e1039_data/spill_counter/2024-06/

There are several .csv files in the above directory, which you can download according to your needs. You can use the following command to copy the csv file on your local machine following the command using on a new terminal:

scp -p XYZ@e1039gat1:/data4/e1039_data/spill_counter/2024-06/21.tsv .

Access the Intensity (G2SEM or Beam) Data:

8. Please go to the following directory:

cd /data2/e1039_data/slowcontrol_data/

In the above directory, there are several directories based on the date, and each particular directory has several .tsv files; the one we are interested in is Acnet.tsv. 

You can use the following command to copy the csv file on your local machine following the command using on a new terminal, let's say from the directory slowcontrol_2024_06_13:

scp -p XYZ@e1039gat1:/data2/e1039_data/slowcontrol_data/slowcontrol_2024_06_13/*Acnet.tsv .

The above Acnet.tsv file contains all the information, such as G2SEM, KMAG current, and beam position.


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