Send HR (Rich) a statement from the post about why some do not qualify, something about experience level or education, specialty:

The Qualifications statement in the post is:

A Ph.D. in experimental or theoretical nuclear, particle or high-energy physics (or closely related field) by the start date. The successful candidate must have good written and verbal communication skills as indicated by scientific publications in preeminent refereed journals, conference presentations, etc., and must possess a general knowledge of nuclear and particle physics.


Based on this I would like to move to the interview stage for:

so and so...


However, 'these other people' do not have the education or experience in nuclear, particle, or high-energy physics or closely related fields.

XXX has experience in both theoretical and experimental nuclear physics.  This can be a powerful combination and might be a good fit for our group.  He also has experience with simulations which is very helpful for the Fermilab SpinQuest project that this potential postdoc would be working on.

XXX has experience with high-energy proton-proton scattering to extract polarized observables.  This is exactly what SpinQuest is.  Though his experience is at Brookhaven National Labs rather than Fermi National Labs this experience should translate to be useful for this postdoc position on SpinQuest.

XXX has experience with high-energy proton-proton scattering in the same exact facility and experimental Hall at Fermilab that our group's new SpinQuest experiment will take place in.  He has experience using the same detector so he is a prime candidate for working on SpinQuest as a postdoc.

Once this information is sent it must get approved by the Dean to move forward with interviews.  All interviews need to be approved by the dean’s office. You will need to write down your selection criteria for interviews and why each person has been selected as demonstrated above. You will also have to keep a record for all applicants and a reason why they were not selected.  Here is the Check list provided by HR:

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