Monte Carlo (MC) Generation Instructions for SpinQuest Simulations on Rivanna
Step 1: Logging Into Rivanna
- Navigate to the Rivanna login page: Rivanna OpenOnDemand.
- Use your credentials to log in.
- Once logged in, create a folder to submit your jobs from on /project/ptgroup/Your Named
Step 2: Setting Up an Interactive Session via Code Server
- Access the Interactive Apps tab on the dashboard.
- From the left-hand menu, select Code Server under Servers.
- Configure the following settings in the Code Server tab:
- Partition: Standard
- Number of Hours: adjust based on your needs
- Number of Cores: 1
- Allocation: spinquest_standard
- Working Directory: Specify your project folder or leave it as the default $HOME
4. Click Launch to start the interactive session.
5. Once the session starts, you will see a link to access the Code Server. Click on it to open a Visual Studio Code environment in your browser.
Visual Representation:
Step 3: Setting Up Your Folder(If not already done so in step 1)
- In the Code Server terminal, create a directory for your work:
- bash:
cd /project/ptgroup/
mkdir YourFolderName
cd YourFolderName
2. Copy the necessary scripts from the MC_Generation directory:
- bash:
rsync -av --exclude scratch /project/ptgroup/work/MC_Generation/DY_Target_script
Or to make it easier use the copy function that is included on the Rivanna UI.
3. Confirm that your folder contains the required files:
- .C files (e.g., C)
- Configuration files (.cfg)
- Job submission scripts (sh, grid.slurm)
- Add a README file to document the purpose of the scripts.
Step 4: Setting Up the Environment
- In the Code Server terminal, navigate to your job folder:
- bash:
cd /project/ptgroup/YourFolderName
2. Source the environment for E1039 geometry:
- bash:
source /project/ptgroup/spinquest/
3. Confirm the environment is active by running root and checking for no errors.
Step 5: Submitting Jobs
- Edit to configure:
- jobname: The name of your job.
- njobs: Number of jobs.
- nevents: Number of events per job (maximum: 10,000).
2. Submit your jobs:
- bash:
./ <OutputFolderName> <NumberOfJobs> <NumberOfEventsPerJob>
ie. (./ DY_Target_1M 1 10000)
3. Check job Status using:
- “Active Jobs” tab in OpenOnDemand.
Step 6: Merging and Storing Output Files
- Merge your output files:
- bash:
cd /project/ptgroup/script
./ /scratch/<your_MC_output_file_location>
2. Copy the merged .root file to the storage location:
- cp merged_trackQA.root /project/ptgroup/spinquest/MC_storage/<Channel>_<VertexOrigin>_<NumberOfAcceptedEvents>.root
ie. cp merged_trackQA.root
- Another way to do this is by using the copy/move function on Rivanna(easier to navigate using this method)
Step 7: Accessing ROOT Files via Web Browser
- Open a terminal on your local machine and run the following commands:
- ssh -Y -L 8800:localhost:8800
- ssh -Y nodelist
- conda activate test environment
- root --web=server:8800
- TBrowser t;
2. In your web browser, navigate to:
To the link that is generated on the terminal
3. The ROOT graphical interface will open. Use this interface to explore and analyze .root files.
Additional Information:
- After generating the files:
- Navigate to "/project/ptgroup/script" and then implement the following command (this script by-default will skip bad-files/corrupted-files/etc.)
$ ./ /scratch/<your_MC_output_file_location>
This will create a folder inside /project/ptgrpup/spinquest/MC_merge_files" with the same name as your MC_output_folder
- Copy the "merged_trackQA.root or merged_trackQA_v2.root" file from the folder that you've newly generated by ./ and copy it to "/project/ptgroup/spinquest/MC_storage" location. Rename the file into <Channel>_<Vertex Origin>_<Number of accepted event>.root. for example: JPsi_Dump_300K.root
- Use the Code Server interface for all terminal and coding activities, as it simplifies navigation and interaction with Rivanna.
- Document all scripts and outputs in the directory’s README for reproducibility and team collaboration.
- For issues, check the logs (slurm.out and slurm.err) in your job directories.