ORC - Post what you have NOW (inform Rick and get feedback)

0.25" Stainless steel tubing for penetration through penetration for Gas Bottle He with PETE on either side (Rick can help us get this metal tubing somewhere)

Connect vacuum piping and turbopump (leave pneumatic valve out)

Chiller placed at the corner I pointed out with hard plastic tubing to connect microwave water

Racks populated with Carlos list of devices then put racks in place on cryo-platform:

control box/Interlock

microwave water monitor

actuator table readback

Find any remaining custom electronics

cable trays for target control system on cryo-platform

cable trays for target magnet rack

Later we need:

Target Controls (designated person)

  • sensors
  • readouts
  • actuator
  • cryocontrols
  • monitor/alarms

Liquefier (designated person)

  • controls
  • sensors
  • monitor/alarms

Counting House Connections

  • pass all cables in

Long Term List:

Most Critical (before shielding):
Drill holes for uni-strut mount (FNAL:  day)
Move actuator frame into place (FNAL+UVA:1 day)
Install gate valve (FNAL+UVA:1 day)
Connect roots piping (UVA:3 days)
Re-tune positioning (FNAL+UVA:3 day)
leak checking (UVA:7 days)
open shell placement of target insert (UVA:1 day)
open-cold survey (UVA:1 day)
Roots ORC prep + ORC (FNAL+UVA:4 days)
Install CM-platforms and beamline piping (FNAL+UVA:4 days)
make and install all tubing/piping for target connections (UVA:14 days)
Install all cave tubing/piping (UVA: 5 days)
finish out of cave piping (FNAL:14 days )
Lay all piping and wiring in west penetration: (FNAL+UVA: 14 days)
Magnet power (two 14 mm cables) (66 ft from magnet to magnet power-supply
on cryo-platform)
Internal magnet sensors
External magent sensors TC lines (sixteen 1 mm cables) (highly length
LHe level probe (one 7 mm cable)
LN2 level probe (one 7 mm cable)
Shim power (two 7 mm cable)

Second Critical (after shielding):
Installation of shell\nose\turret\fridge (UVA: 3 days)
Installation of actuator table (UVA: 3 days)
ORC for target actuator prep (UVA: 14 days)
Custom electronics ORC prep (UVA: 14 days)
All front running electrical connections:(FNAL+UVA: 7 days)
microwave PS and controls
pressure sensors
He3 pressure probe

Third Critical (supporting systems):
finalize vacuum piping (UVA: 7 days)
pneumatic valves (FNAL+UVA: 3 days)
leak checking (UVA:7 days)
Install microwave water and chiller (UVA: 3 days)
Install microwave system(UVA: 3 days)
NMR setup and connection through east penetration(UVA + LANL: 4 days)
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