All reports of Prohibited Conduct (PC) must be reviewed by the Title IX Evaluation Panel (EP), per Virginia state statute and University policy. Documentation of that review is captured in the Evaluation Panel tab of all PC Cases. Users required appropriate permissions to view and/or edit information contained in the Evaluation Panel.

Title IX Evaluation Panel

To access the EP for a Title IX case, select Evaluation from the Case Menu section Title IX-Contact. This option should be available for every case that has a PC Case Type added. At the top of the EP page, you will see basic information about the case (top left) and the Incident Description. This information is automatically imported to the EP page from the Overview page for quick reference and viewing but cannot be edited from the EP page (for more information about editing, see Editing a Case.

Evalution Panel Options

Below the Case Information and Incident Description, the EP form is displayed in a series of collapsible/expandable panes, as seen below. Each pane can be expanded or collapsed individually by clicking the arrow on the right-hand corner of that pane, or you can Expand or Collapse using the buttons in the top left corner of this section of the page. Purpose and functionality of each of the panes or sections is described in turn below.

  • Context/Background/Notes: Used to document any general notes relevant to the case, which are not fully captured elsewhere in the EP documentation. Also used to

  • Evaluation Panel: Documents basic information about the EP meeting itself

  • Policy Implication: Affirmatively documents whether the reported incident

  • Priors and Violations: Documentation of the relevant conduct and criminal history for each involved party (Complainant and Respondent).

  • Health and Safety Threat Assessment: Documentation of the Evaluation Panel's analysis of risk factors related to the incident; this analysis informs the determinations captured in the following three sections.

  • CPS Disclosure: Reports Implicating Child Under 18: Documentation of EP's obligation to report child abuse, based on available information.

  • Health and Safety Disclosure to Law Enforcement: Documentation of EP's obligation to report incident to law enforcement, based on available information and analysis of risk factors.

  • Felony Violation Consultation with Prosecuting Attorney: Documentation of EP's obligation to report incident to prosecuting attorney, based on available information and application of list of relevant felonies (see Appendix A.)

  • Consideration of Complainant Preferences: Documentation of EP's analysis regarding University Resolution determination (note: this section only completed at the request of the Title IX Coordinator).

  • Disposition by the Evaluation Panel: Documentation of EP's recommendations regarding University Resolution determination (note: this section only completed at the request of the Title IX Coordinator).

Within each of the panes described above, a series of fields are available for completion. All fields marked with a red asterisk are required in order to Submit a completed Evaluation Panel. Fields with an information marker (blue circle with lower-case i) provide additional guidance when you hover the mouse arrow over the marker. SafeGrounds users with permission to edit the Evaluation Panel fields should refer to internal working protocol, under the guidance of the University's Title IX Coordinator and the Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence, for appropriate completion of all fields.

Saving Evaluation Panel Work

Prior to submitting a completed Evaluation Panel form, a user may save all work without submitting, but clicking the blue Save button. This will retain all information entered into EP form fields but will not generate a final submission. A form may be saved any number of times to reflect ongoing documentation work but should only be submitted once for each Evaluation Panel meeting. This function is most often utilized by users who fill in fields or information prior to an Evaluation Panel meeting. A user may click the white cancel button at any time. This will close the Evaluation Panel form and take the user back to the main Case Overview screen. No changes to the Evaluation Panel form will be saved if this button is clicked.

Submitting Evaluation Panel Work

At the conclusion of each Evaluation Panel meeting, after all required analysis, determinations, and recommendations have been fully documented, the individual documenting all decisions will submit the completed form by clicking the green Submit button at the bottom of the screen. Submitting indicates that the Evaluation Panel is complete.

All completed/submitted EP forms will display on the Overview Page of the case, on the right-hand side of the screen in a section labeled Evaluation Panels. This section allows a user to access and review all determinations made at each Evaluation Panel meeting (note: cases may have more than one Evaluation Panel).

For additional guidance regarding Evaluation Panel practices and protocol, see the Evaluation Panel Protocol Manual, available through the Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Case Manager in the Office of the Dean of Students.