To navigate to any current or future docket, select the Docket tab in the Main Case Menu on the left. Dockets are listed by Case Classification (PC, Hazing, or TAT), as well as date/time of Evaluation Panel. If there are cases on a given docket, a blue Yes icon will be listed under the cases column on the right-hand side. You can also use the Filter options at the top of the page to search for any docket by ID number, date range, and/or case number (if known).

Dockets are automatically created for every regularly scheduled meeting, as set by the administrators for that particular Evaluation Panel. You can also create a new docket for a different date by clicking the green Add icon in the right corner of the grid.

Adding/Removing Cases from a Docket

The easiest way to add an individual case to a docket is by using the Case Tool Bar button on a case (top right corner of Case Overview). Click the Add to Docket button, and a pop-up box will display to select the Case Classification/docket type. The case will automatically be added to the next scheduled docket for that classification.

If you wish to add multiple cases to a single docket at the same time, you may also click the green Edit button on the docket date that you wish to edit, from the Dockets page. You can then add or remove multiple cases, as shown below.

Additionally, some cases will be automatically added to an upcoming docket based on Case Classification. For example, if a new case is created that has a PC case type, that case will automatically be added to the next scheduled PC Docket.

Viewing a Docket

From the Dockets page (above), click on the date that you wish to view. You will be provided with an overview of all cases listed for review on that date.

Moving a Case to a Different Docket

If a case needs to be moved to a different docket (because it was added in error, or because the panel decided to review the case at a later date), click on the Move Case button from the docket (as shown above) and select the future date that you wish to move the case to. Cases may be removed entirely from a docket from the same location. A reason for moving or removing is required.