

Academic Support Referral

Referral (verbal or written) to appropriate academic dean or administrator

BASICS Referral

Referral to Student Health BASICS program completion

Bias Notification & Outreach

Notification to University partners and outreach to involved student(s) regarding alleged bias incident

CAPS Notification

Notification to CAPS staff regarding student suicidal ideation or attempt

CAPS Referral

Referral (verbal or written) to Counseling and Psychological Services

Email (Requires Label)

Email sent to involved party - Provide a short, descriptive label regarding purpose or content in space provided

Honor Referral

Report to Honor Committee for alleged Honor Offense(s)

HRL Student Staff Follow-up

Direction to HRL Student Staff (RA or SR) to follow up with student following incident or concern

Interim Suspension

Interim Suspension, pending outcome of appropriate adjudicatory process. Can be issued by Office of the Dean of Students (Non-PC) or Title IX Office (PC)

Legal Review

Request for review by General Counsel's Office. Action should be marked Restricted.


Meeting which has already occurred, regarding student concern or incident

No Contact Directive

Issuance of written No Contact Directive. Can be issued by Office of the Dean of Students (Non-PC) or Title IX Office (PC)

No Trespass Order

Issuance of written No Trespass Order for all or part of University property by University Police Department

Other (Requires Label)

Action not accurately captured with existing label - Provide a short, descriptive label in space provided

Other Referral (Requires Label)

Referral to University resource not otherwise listed - Provide name of resource in space provided

Parent Communication

Written or verbal communication with the parent of a student regarding student concern

Parental Notification - Conduct

Notification to parent or guardian of conduct concern, per University policy

Parental Notification - Psych

Notification to parent or guardian of hospitalization due to mental health concerns, per CAPS request

Permanent Residence Change

Facilitation or compulsion of on-Grounds housing assignment through Housing and Residence Life

Phone Call (Requires Label)

Notes from phone call to involved party - Provide a short, descriptive label regarding purpose or content in space provided

Pressing Personal Circumstances Letter Request

Request to appropriate academic dean or administrator to send message to instructors requesting support

Registration Block/Hold

Request to UREG for temporary Registration Block. Can be issued by Office of the Dean of Students (Non-PC) or Title IX Office (PC)

Safety Planning

Referral to University Police Department officer for individualized safety planning

SDAC Referral

Referral (verbal or written) to Student Disabilities and Access Center

SFS Referral

Referral (verbal or written) to Student Financial Services

TAT Referral

Referral to University Threat Assessment Team for review and recommendations

Temporary Residential Accommodation

Temporary housing accommodation for pressing safety or wellbeing concern(s)

Text Message (Requires Label)

Text Message(s) to involved party. Notes may provide overview of text message exchange, but should include copies of text message screen shots when timing or content of messages is critical for records - Provide a short, descriptive label regarding purpose or content in space provided

Treatment Team Referral

Referral (verbal or written) to an appropriate interdisciplinary treatment team

UJC Referral

Report to University Judiciary Committee for alleged violation(s) of Standards of Conduct

Welfare Check

Request to appropriate police jurisdiction for Welfare Check

Women's Center Referral

Referral (verbal or written) to UVA Women's Center

Action Types Relevant to PC Case Types Only

Initial Assessment/University Resolution Notice

Provision of resources, information about Title IX process, and solicitation Complainant preferences by Title IX Coordinator (or designee)

Initial Outreach

Provision of information about resources and support by Complainant Dean on Point at the time of report

Counseling Referral

Supportive measure; provision of information and resources for accessing counseling support


Education or Training provided to an individual or group regarding University policy, procedures, or expectations

Other Protective (Requires Label)

Protective measure (measure which actively mitigates potential for interaction between Complainant and Respondent) not accurately captured with existing label - Provide a short, descriptive label in space provided

Other Remedial (Requires Label)

Remedial Measure (measure which provides support or resources for Complainant and does not actively involve Respondent) not accurately captured with existing label - Provide a short, descriptive label in space provided

Post-EP Communication

Written notice of Evaluation Panel outcomes to Complainant

Reporter Outreach

Written confirmation of receipt of report, and provision of information about resources and follow-up (Automatically assigned to Complainant Dean on Point)

Residence Change - Complainant

Facilitation or compulsion of on-Grounds housing assignment for Complainant

Residence Change - Respondent

Facilitation or compulsion of on-Grounds housing assignment for Respondent

Schedule Modification(s) - Complainant

Facilitation or compulsion of change to academic course schedule for Complainant

Schedule Modification(s) - Respondent

Facilitation or compulsion of change to academic course schedule for Respondent