4 students to a table.  Work with a partner! 

Remember, you will get better results with our special On Demand server:  


You may need to refer to this week's reading assignment throughout the exercises. 


  • We start plotting data next week..


  • Learn how to use classes.

0) Get the GitHub repository and clone it to your area in Rivanna. 

Use this link to accept the assignment and create your repository: https://classroom.github.com/a/Ucg9ykxU 

After you accept the assignment and the repository and it exists in your GitHub, clone it to your Rivanna working area.

1) Classes


Work through the Class13.ipynb  Jupyter Notebook.  Thinking about what is happening in each step. 


Based on what you learned in the Notebook and if time remains:  Add your boat class to Vehicle.py and test it by adding test code to Vehicle_test.py.

Done?  Add some documentation to your programs, and push them to your GitHub repository:     Vehicle.py, Vehicle_test.py  and class13.ipynb.

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