Remember to log into rivanna to begin!
You may need to refer to this week's reading assignment throughout the exercises.
You are off to a great start! Keep it up!
- Learn about and f-strings and dictionaries. Reminder: lists and tuples
0) Get the GitHub repository and clone it to your area in Rivanna.
Use this link to accept the assignment and create your repository:
After you accept the assignment and the repository and it exists in your GitHub clone it to your Rivanna working area:
>>> git clone<userid>.git
1a) Work through Jupyter Notebook.
Work through the class08.ipynb JupyterLab Notebook. It is in your repository. Complete the exercises within.
→ Add, commit, and push your class08.ipynb to GitHub and make sure it is updated there.
1b) Based on what you learned in the Notebook. (time permitting..)
Write a python program (a script, starting with from your repo) that generates 10 random integer values and appends them to a list. Then use a loop to loop over the random numbers and use fstrings to print the following information to the screen:
--- <program_name>: Integer number 1 - <int_1>
--- <program_name>: Integer number 2 - <int_2>
--- ....
--- <program_name>: Integer number 10 - <int_10>
Done? Add some documentation to your programs, and then add, commit, and push your class08.ipynb and to GitHub and make sure it is there.