- Edit your Text
- In the content box, click where you would like to add your media
- The position of the cursor marks where the media will appear
- Click the Add media icon
- Click Choose File
- Select your file
- Files must be smaller than 30 MB
- You can upload these file formats: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, odt, ods, odp, mp3, mov, mp4, m4a, m4v, mpeg, avi, ogg, oga, ogv, weba, webp , webm
- Click Open
- Click Upload
- Click Next
- Click the "Display as" drop-down menu
- Choose how the file will be displayed
- After you save, files may look different in the text viewer
- Click Submit
The media file will appear in the Content Editor
- Click Save text section
{"serverDuration": 56, "requestCorrelationId": "9940ea22df4f47cf"}