The Mandala framework lets scholars make sophisticated content, such as online archives, without large grants or programming knowledge. The project is a suite of websites, each focusing on one type of content:
- Audio-Video for audiovisual files –
- Visuals for data visualizations –
- Images for pictures –
- Texts for books and essays –
- Sources for citations –
- Subjects and Places to group content together with special labels, called Knowledge Maps – and
You can use these tools to create digital collections and visualizations, describe intricate networks of human culture, publish essays, and build websites.
Sites made with the Mandala Framework can be content-intensive, communication-intensive, or both. A content-intensive site can have large collections of interrelated media resources (texts, photographs, audio-video, etc.) and structured data (bibliographies, place descriptions, dictionary entries, biographical studies, etc.) organized around a theme – a cultural region, time period, person, and so forth. On the other hand, a communication-intensive site would have shorter, rapidly-changing content (like blogposts). Either type of site may also have data visualizations, such as maps, charts, timelines, network graphs, slideshows, and more.
While we can't work with you on an individual basis to tailor Mandala to your needs, we're always happy to get your feedback and bug reports at