In Mandala, you can use Knowledge Maps to connect related resources. To do this, you label your resources in each tool. The resource will then show up under Subjects, Places, and Terms.
This guide shows you how to add Knowledge Maps to each type of asset. We assume that you've already made your entries: if you haven't, learn more at Create Content.
In Audio-Video
Metadata fields where you can add Places: Referenced Places, Recording Location
Metadate fields where you can add Subjects: Subject
Metadate fields where you can add Terms: Terms
- Log in to
- Learn more at Log in to Audio-Video
- Click the Main Menu icon
- The Main Menu icon has four horizontal lines and is at the top right of the page
- Click My Content, then My Media
A list of your media items will open
- Click on the media you want to label
The sound or video file will open
- Click the Edit tab
- Make sure you have editing permission; if not, you won't see the tab
- Find the Edit tab below the magnifying glass icon to the right
The media editor will open
- Click Classification
- You'll see a list of classification subsections
- We're interested in Subject, Referenced Places, and Recording Location
- To label by subject, click Subject
- Search for a subject name
- Click on a subject
The subject will appear beneath the search bar
- Click x to remove the subject
- This field uses Knowledge Maps
- To label a place referenced in the sound or video entry, click Referenced Place
- You can filter places by features or subjects
- Search for a place name
- Click on a place
The label will appear beneath the search bar
- Click x to remove the label
- This field uses Knowledge Maps
- To label where the media was recorded, click Recording Location
- Search for a place name
- Click on a place
The label will appear beneath the search bar
- Click x to remove the label
- This field uses Knowledge Maps
- Save the media file
Mandala will add the media to the subject or place term
In Visuals
- Log in to
- Learn more with Log in to Visuals
- Click the Main Menu icon
- The Main Menu icon has four horizontal lines and is at the top right of the page
- Click My Content, then My Visualizations
A list of your visualizations will open
- Click on the visualization where you want to add Knowledge Maps
The visualization will open
- Click the Edit tab
The visualization editor will open
- Click Subjects at the bottom of the page
- Search for a subject name
- Click on a subject
The label will appear beneath the search bar
- Click x to remove the label
- Click Places
- Search for a place name
- Click on a place
The label will appear beneath the search bar
- Click x to remove the label
- Save the media file
Mandala will add the visualization to the subject or place term
In Texts
- Log in to
- Learn more with Log in to Texts
- Click the Main Menu icon
- The Main Menu icon has four horizontal lines and is at the top right of the page
- Click My Collections
- Click the collection that contains your text
- Click the text where you want to add Knowledge Maps
- If you want to add Knowledge Maps to the whole text, click Edit Top Section
- You can also click the edit icon next to any section; this will add Knowledge Maps to that specific section
The editor will open
- Click KMap Terms
- Search for subjects or places
- Click on a subject or place to label the text
The label will appear beneath the search bar
- Click x to remove the label
- Click Save text section
The text will be added to the subject or place label