Spreadsheet Format

Each row represents a data point on the chart. Learn more about spreadsheets in Visuals at Use Spreadsheet Data.

 Column 1Column 2Column 3 (and beyond...)
Data Typeplain text or numbersnumbernumber

The category of the data point on the x-axis.

The value of the data point on the y-axis. This forms the column.

An additional y-axis value for the category in the x-axis.This creates a data set with an extra column.


  • You can have as many additional columns as you want to create new data sets. For example, if you were creating a column chart of Olympic medals per country, and had "USA" and "France" in Column 1, you could create three additional columns for "Bronze", "Silver", and "Gold" medal breakdowns.
Data Label

The title of the x-axis


  • This will appear below the individual categories on the x-axis

The bar's group


  • This determines the color of the bar; bars in the same group will share a color
  • This labels the group (and group color) in the legend

 The bar's group



  • This determines the color of the bar; bars in the same group will share a color
  • This labels the group (and group color) in the legend

Customization Options

Learn about options at Common Customization Options

  • No labels