Metadata is descriptive information about your visualization. Metadata helps viewers find and understand the resource. We've included a complete description of each metadata field below. 

If you want help customizing your visualization, check out the Visualization Index

Detailed Steps

  1. Either create or edit a visualization
  2. Scroll down the page, past the visualization entry form 
  3. Fill in a description for your visualization 
  4. Connect your visualization to other resources with Knowledge Maps
    • Subjects and Places are both Knowledge Maps; learn more 
    • Click the search bar for subjects or places to find and browse Knowledge Maps
  5. Add a thumbnail preview
    1. Click Choose file
    2. Open your thumbnail from the file browser
    3. Click Upload
      • You'll see your thumbnail and new metadata fields  
    4. Enter the alt text and title for your thumbnail
  6. Choose your visibility settings
    • Switch this to Public if you want everyone to see your visualization; visualizations are Private by default 
  7. Click Save
    • Metadata will show below your visualization

Field Steps

TitleThe title for the visualizationshort text
TypeThe type for your chart. See the Visualization Index or Choose a Visualization Type for information about each type.controlled vocabulary
StatusThe publication status of your visualization. Draft means only you can see the visualization. Published means anyone with permission to see the visualization can see it (see the Visibility field).controlled vocabulary
DescriptionA description for the visualization.

long text


CollectionThe Mandala collection for this visualization. The drop-down includes all Mandala collections where you have permission to add visualizations. Learn how to Make a Collection. If you created a visualization through a collection page, you don't have to change anything here.controlled vocabulary

A preview image for your visualization. This will show up in previews of the visualization, in particular when sharing the link on social media.

Make sure your file is...

  • smaller than 128 MB
  • .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg
  • larger than 150 x 100 pixels
VisibilityPrivacy settings for your visualization.controlled vocabulary
SubjectsA subject associated with the visualization. This field uses Knowledge Maps.kmap
PlacesA place associated with the text or text section. This field uses Knowledge Maps.kmap

Visibility Controlled Vocabulary 

Controlled vocabulary termDefinition
Use Group DefaultsThe privacy settings for the collection apply to the visualization.
Public – Accessible To All Site UsersAnyone that visits Mandala can see this visualization.
Private – Accessible Only To Group MembersOnly members of the text's collection can see this visualization.


A WYSIWYG editor, or "what you see is what you get" editor, lets you add styling to your text without special code or markup. The Mandala WYSIWYG editor also lets you embed assets from other Mandala tools using the  icon in the toolbar.